#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' A micro-service for GPS trackers Q50, Q60, Q80, Q90, GW100, GW100S, GW200, GW200S, GW300, GW500S, GW600S, GW700, GW800, GW900, GW900S, GW1000, EW100, K911, Titan Watch Q50 How to use Figure out your PC external IP address - https://whatismyipaddress.com/ Open port 4444 in your router NAT Run the script using something like python main.py * Configure the url in the tracker device pw,123456,YOUR-IP-ADDRESS-HERE,4444# ''' import socket import re import threading import sys import timeit import time import datetime import collections import enum def open_server_socket(port=4444): ''' Create an INET, STREAMing socket ''' s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(2.0) hostname = "" #socket.gethostname() while True: try: s.bind((hostname, port)) break except: print("Failed to bind {0}:{1}".format(hostname, port)) time.sleep(2.0) print("Bound {0}:{1}".format(hostname, port)) return s class ParsingResult(enum.Enum): Ok = 0 Prompt = 1 Failed = 2 Empty = 3 def get_coordinates(data): ''' I am getting something like [3G*1452592884*005F*UD2,130418,145006,V,32.180737,N,34.8552780,65,55,5] ''' pattern_prompt = r"\[3G.([0-9]+)*.+,0,0,[0-9]+\]" pattern_coordinates = r"\[3G.([0-9]+).+,([0-9.]+),N,([0-9.]+),.+\]" m_coordinates = re.match(pattern_coordinates, data) m_prompt = re.match(pattern_prompt, data) result = ParsingResult.Failed id, c1, c2 = None, None, None if m_coordinates: result = ParsingResult.Ok id = m_coordinates.group(1) c1 = m_coordinates.group(2) c2 = m_coordinates.group(3) elif m_prompt: result = ParsingResult.Prompt id = m_prompt.group(1) elif data == "": result = ParsingResult.Empty return result, id, c1, c2 def get_coordinates_url(c1, c2): return "http://maps.google.com/maps?q=n{0},e{1}".format(c1, c2) def close_socket(clientsocket, address): try: clientsocket.shutdown() except: pass try: clientsocket.close() except: pass class Stopwatch(): def __init__(self): self.start = timeit.default_timer() self.thread_aborted = False def elapsed(self): return timeit.default_timer()-self.start def elapsed_str(self): return "{0:.3f}".format(self.elapsed()) def client_thread(clientsocket, address, stopwatch): while True: try: data = clientsocket.recv(2048) except socket.timeout: if stopwatch.thread_aborted: print("{0}: Aborting thread {1}".format(str(datetime.datetime.now()), address)) break else: print("{0}: Timeout ignored {1}".format(str(datetime.datetime.now()), address)) continue except Exception, exc: print("{0}: Exception ignored {1} {2}".format(str(datetime.datetime.now()), address, exc)) continue finally: time.sleep(0.1) timestamp = datetime.datetime.now() timestamp_str = str(timestamp) try: result, id, c1, c2 = get_coordinates(data) except Exception, exc: print exc if result == ParsingResult.Ok: url = get_coordinates_url(c1, c2) print("{0}: {1} {2} from {3}".format(timestamp_str, id, url, address)) break elif result == ParsingResult.Prompt: print("{0}: Heart beat {1} from {2}".format(timestamp_str, id, address)) elif result == ParsingResult.Failed: print("{0}: Failed to parse '{1}' from {2}".format(timestamp_str, data, address)) if result == ParsingResult.Empty: break print("{0}: close {1}".format(str(datetime.datetime.now()), address)) close_socket(clientsocket, address) #sys.exit() clients = {} def accept_loop(): while True: try: (clientsocket, address) = server_socket.accept() except socket.timeout: time.sleep(0.1) continue # TODO replace by select() print("Accepted connection from {0}".format(address)) stopwatch = Stopwatch() ct = threading.Thread(target=client_thread, args=(clientsocket, address, stopwatch)) clients[(clientsocket, address)] = (ct, stopwatch) ct.run() port = 4444 server_socket = open_server_socket(port) print("Listen on port {0}".format(port)) server_socket.listen(5) try: accept_loop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("I got Ctrl-C, exiting") for (clientsocket, address), (ct, stopwatch) in clients.iteritems(): stopwatch.thread_aborted = True for (clientsocket, _), (ct, _) in clients.iteritems(): if ct.isAlive(): ct.join() for (clientsocket, address) in clients: close_socket(clientsocket, address)