Box-Behnken Sampling

BOX_BEHNKEN is a MATLAB library which returns a set of sample argument values to be used to analyze the behavior of a function.

Given DIM_NUM parameters, each of which is prescribed to lie between a minimum and maximum range, and a function taking these parameters as arguments, this program returns a table of sets of argument values that may be used to sample the function's behavior.

One sample point is the average. All other sample points are generated by setting a single spatial coordinate to its average value, and all other spatial coordinates to either the minimum or maximum. In this way, 1 + DIM_NUM*2**(DIM_NUM-1) points are generated.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


BOX_BEHNKEN is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN77 version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

CVT, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation.

FAURE, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Faure sequence.

GRID, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a grid sequence.

HALTON, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Halton sequence.

HAMMERSLEY, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Hammersley sequence.

HEX_GRID, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a hexagonal grid dataset.

HEX_GRID_ANGLE, a MATLAB library which computes elements of an angled hexagonal grid dataset.

IHS, a MATLAB library which computes elements of an improved distributed Latin hypercube dataset.

LATIN_CENTER, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Latin Hypercube dataset, choosing center points.

LATIN_EDGE, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Latin Hypercube dataset, choosing edge points.

LATIN_RANDOM, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Latin Hypercube dataset, choosing points at random.

LATINIZE, a MATLAB library which can "latinize" a dataset.

LCVT, a MATLAB library which computes a latinized Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation.

NIEDERREITER2, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Niederreiter sequence using base 2.

SOBOL, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a Sobol sequence.

TABLE_LATINIZE, a MATLAB program which reads a table file containing a set of data, and writes out a corresponding "latinized" version.

UNIFORM, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a uniform pseudorandom sequence.

VAN_DER_CORPUT, a MATLAB library which computes elements of a (1 dimensional) van der Corput sequence.


  1. George Box, Donald Behnken,
    Some new three level designs for the study of quantitative variables,
    Volume 2, pages 455-475, 1960.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.

Last revised on 26 October 2008.