Time-Dependent Viscous Burgers Equation

BURGERS_TIME_VISCOUS is a MATLAB library which solves the time-dependent viscous Burgers equation using a finite difference discretization of the conservative form of the equation, and then carrying out a simple parabolic integration scheme.

The function u(x,t) is to be solved for in the equation:

du/dt + u * du/dx = nu * d^2u/dx^2
for 0 < nu, a <= x <= b, tmin <= t <= tmax with initial condition
u(x,tmin) = uinit(x);
and fixed Dirichlet conditions
u(a,t) = alpha, u(b,t) = beta

Problem data includes the spatial endpoints a and b, the Dirichlet boundary values u(a,t) = alpha, u(b,t) = beta, the time limits tmin and tmax, and the (positive) value of the viscosity nu.

The conservative form of the equation is

du/dt + 1/2 * d(u^2)/dx = nu * d^2u/dx^2
and this is the version we discretize.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Data and Programs:

BURGERS, a dataset directory which contains some solutions to the viscous Burgers equation.

BURGERS_CHARACTERISTICS, a MATHEMATICA program which solves the time dependent inviscid Burgers equation using the method of characteristics, by Mikel Landajuela.

BURGERS_SOLUTION, a MATLAB library which evaluates an exact solution of the time-dependent 1D viscous Burgers equation.

BURGERS_STEADY_VISCOUS, a MATLAB library which solves the steady (time-independent) viscous Burgers equation using a finite difference discretization of the conservative form of the equation, and then applying Newton's method to solve the resulting nonlinear system.

FD1D_BURGERS_LAX, a MATLAB program which applies the finite difference method and the Lax-Wendroff method to solve the non-viscous Burgers equation in one spatial dimension and time.

FD1D_BURGERS_LEAP, a MATLAB program which applies the finite difference method and the leapfrog approach to solve the non-viscous time-dependent Burgers equation in one spatial dimension.

PCE_BURGERS, a MATLAB program which defines and solves a version of the time-dependent viscous Burgers equation, with uncertain viscosity, using a polynomial chaos expansion in terms of Hermite polynomials, by Gianluca Iaccarino.


  1. Daniel Zwillinger,
    Handbook of Differential Equations,
    Academic Press, 1997,
    ISBN: 0127843965,
    LC: QA371.Z88.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.

Last revised on 22 April 2012.