function [ pictun, baktun, katun, tun, uinal, kin, f ] = jed_to_mayan_long ... ( jed ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% JED_TO_MAYAN_LONG converts a JED to a Mayan long count date. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 24 June 2012 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Edward Richards, % Mapping Time, The Calendar and Its History, % Oxford, 1999, chapter 27. % % Parameters: % % Input, real JED, the Julian Ephemeris Date. % % Output, integer PICTUN, BAKTUN, KATUN, TUN, UINAL, KIN, values % defining the Mayan long date. % % Output, real F, the fractional part of the date. % jed_epoch = epoch_to_jed_mayan_long ( ); j = floor ( jed - jed_epoch ); f = jed - jed_epoch - j; days = j; if ( 0 <= days ) pictun = floor ( days / 2880000 ); days = days - pictun * 2880000; else pictun = 0; while ( days < 0 ) pictun = pictun - 1; days = days + 2880000; end end baktun = floor ( days / 144000 ); days = days - baktun * 144000; katun = floor ( days / 7200 ); days = days - katun * 7200; tun = floor ( days / 360 ); days = days - tun * 360; uinal = floor ( days / 20 ); days = days - uinal * 20; kin = days; return end