function jed = new_year_to_jed_hebrew ( y ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% NEW_YEAR_TO_JED_HEBREW returns the JED of the beginning of a Hebrew year. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 15 July 2012 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Edward Richards, % Algorithm G, % Mapping Time, The Calendar and Its History, % Oxford, 1999, pages 330. % % Parameters: % % Input, integer Y, the Hebrew year. % % Output, real JED, the Julian Ephemeris Date. % mu = floor ( ( 235 * y - 234 ) / 19 ); tc = 204 + 793 * mu; th = 5 + 12 * mu + floor ( tc / 1080 ); d = 1 + 29 * mu + floor ( th / 24 ); t_prime = mod ( tc, 1080 ) + 1080 * mod ( th, 24 ); w = i4_wrap ( d + 1, 1, 7 ); e = floor ( mod ( 7 * y + 13, 19 ) / 12 ); e_prime = floor ( mod ( 7 * y + 6, 19 ) / 12 ); if ( 19940 <= t_prime || ... ( 9924 <= t_prime && w == 3 && e == 0 ) || ... ( 16788 <= t_prime && w == 2 && e == 0 && e_prime == 1 ) ) d = d + 1; end jed_epoch = epoch_to_jed_hebrew ( ); jed = jed_epoch - 1 + d + mod ( mod ( d + 5, 7 ), 2 ); return end