function s = weekday_to_name_common3 ( w ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% WEEKDAY_TO_NAME_COMMON3 returns the abbreviated name of a Common weekday. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 15 June 2012 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer W, the weekday index. % % Output, string S, the abbreviated weekday name. % weekday_name = [ 'Sun'; 'Mon'; 'Tue'; 'Wed'; 'Thu'; 'Fri'; 'Sat' ]; % % Check the weekday number. % w2 = weekday_check_common ( w ); % % Return the weekday name. % s = weekday_name(w2,:); return end