%% CONTRAST_POOL runs the contrast example interactively with MATLABPOOL. % % % Read a black and white image. % x = imread ( 'surfsup.tif' ); % % Display the image. % figure ( 1 ) imshow ( x ) % % Filter the image on the client. % xf = nlfilter ( x, [3,3], @contrast_enhance ); xf = uint8 ( xf ); % % Display the filtered image. % figure ( 2 ) imshow ( xf ) % % You can save the filtered file. % if ( 0 ) imwrite ( xf, 'surfsup_filtered_spmd.tif', 'TIF' ) end % % Get 4 "labs" to work on the job. % matlabpool open local 4 y = contrast_fun ( x ); matlabpool close % % Display the SPMD filtered image. % Note the bars in the image, which occur because each lab % is missing a column of data from its neighbor. % figure ( 3 ) imshow ( y ) % % You can save the filtered file. % if ( 0 ) imwrite ( y, 'surfsup_filtered_spmd.tif', 'TIF' ) end % % Display the original, single filtered, and SPMD filtered versions. % figure ( 4 ); subplot ( 1, 3, 1 ); imshow ( x ); title ( 'Original image' ); subplot ( 1, 3, 2 ); imshow( xf ); title( 'Filtered on Client' ); subplot ( 1, 3, 3 ); imshow ( y ); title ( 'Filtered on 4 SPMD Workers' );