function rational_quadratic_test ( ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% RATIONAL_QUADRATIC_TEST examines the rational_quadratic correlation. % % Discussion: % % This code is based substantially on a document by Toby Driscoll. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 25 February 2012 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Toby Driscoll, % Mercer's theorem and the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, % Oxford University Mathematical Institute, % % rmpath ( '/usr/local/matlab/toolbox/datafeed/datafeed' ) addpath ( '../chebfun' ) timestamp ( ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, 'RATIONAL_QUADRATIC_TEST:\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Demonstrate Mercer''s theorem and the KL expansion\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' for the rational_quadratic kernel.\n' ); % % Set the interval. % a = 0.0; b = +10.0; fprintf ( 1, ' Using interval [%g,%g]\n', a, b ); s_num = 21; s_vec = linspace ( a, b, s_num ); % % FRED is a function from the CHEBFUN library. % % It constructs a "chebop" representing the Fredholm integral operator % with kernel K for functions in domain [A,B]. % F = fred ( @rational_quadratic_correlation, domain ( [ a, b ] ) ); % % EIGS has been extended to be able to compute the eigenvalues Lambda % and eigenfunctions Psi of the Fredholm integral operator represented by F. % % The "LM" switch requests that we return the eigenvalues of largest magnitude. % % Each Psi is a CHEBFUN, that is, it takes a real number argument. % eigen_num = 20; [ Psi, Lambda ] = eigs ( F, eigen_num, 'lm' ); eigen_found = length ( Lambda ); fprintf ( 1, ' Requested %d eigenmodes, computed %d\n', eigen_num, eigen_found ); eigen_num = min ( eigen_num, eigen_found ); % % Print the eigenvalues. % lambda_vec = diag ( Lambda ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' I Lambda(I)\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); for i = 1 : eigen_num fprintf ( 1, ' %2d %10g\n', i, lambda_vec(i) ); end % % Plot the eigenvalues. % figure ( 1 ) clf plot ( lambda_vec, 'Linewidth', 2 ); hold on plot ( lambda_vec, 'b.', 'Markersize', 20 ); title ( 'rational_quadratic: Mercer eigenvalues' ); xlabel ( '<--- N --->') grid on print -dpng 'rational_quadratic_figure1.png' % % Plot selected eigenfunctions. % figure ( 2 ) subplot ( 4, 1, 1 ) plot ( Psi(:,1), 'Linewidth', 2 ); title ( 'rational_quadratic: Mercer eigenfunction PSI(1)' ) grid on subplot ( 4, 1, 2 ) plot ( Psi(:,2), 'Linewidth', 2 ); title ( 'rational_quadratic: Mercer eigenfunction PSI(2)' ) grid on subplot ( 4, 1, 3 ) plot ( Psi(:,5), 'Linewidth', 2 ); title ( 'rational_quadratic: Mercer eigenfunction PSI(5)' ) grid on subplot ( 4, 1, 4 ) plot ( Psi(:,10), 'Linewidth', 2 ); title ( 'rational_quadratic: Mercer eigenfunction PSI(10)' ) grid on print -dpng 'rational_quadratic_figure2.png' % % Orthonormality check. % ptp = Psi' * Psi; error_frobenius = r8mat_is_identity ( eigen_num, ptp ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Frobenius norm of I - Psi'' * Psi = %g\n', error_frobenius ); % % K(S,S) should be exactly 1. % Because we are using a truncated representation of K, our estimate of K(S,S) % will be smaller than 1. % fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Truncated estimate of K(s,s) = 1 for S in the interval.\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' S K(s,s) estimate\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); for i = 1 : 21 s = s_vec(i); ptlp = Psi(s,:) * Lambda * Psi(s,:)'; fprintf ( 1, ' %10g %14g\n', s, ptlp ); end % % Look at eigenvalue decay. % x = diff ( log ( ( 1:eigen_num ) ) ); y = diff ( log ( lambda_vec ) )'; c = y ./ x; figure ( 3 ); clf plot ( c, 'Linewidth', 2 ); grid on hold on plot ( c, 'b.', 'Markersize', 20 ); xlabel ( '<-- N -->' ) title ( 'rational_quadratic: Eigenvalue decay rate' ); print -dpng 'rational_quadratic_figure3.png' % % Look at eigenvalue sum. % % The trace of K(s,s) over [a,b] should be the integral of 1 over [a,b], % that is, b - a. % % We compare the trace to the partial sums of the lambda's to see how much % of the variance of the process we have captured. % trace_K = b - a; lambda_cum = cumsum ( lambda_vec ) / trace_K; fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Index Cumulative Eigenvalue sum\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); for i = 1 : eigen_num fprintf ( 1, ' %5d %10g\n', i, lambda_cum(i) ); end % % We decide to use the first 10 eigenfunctions. % eigen_use = 10; % % Find 400 realizations of the process by selecting, for each realization, % 10 random parameters Z in the truncated KL expansion. % Z = randn ( eigen_use, 400 ); X = Psi(:,1:eigen_use) * ( sqrt ( Lambda(1:eigen_use,1:eigen_use) ) * Z ); % % Plot 40 of the realizations; % Plot their mean, computed from all 400. % figure ( 4 ) clf plot ( X(:,1:40) ) mu = sum ( X, 2 ) / 400; hold on; plot ( mu, 'k', 'linewidth', 3 ); title ( 'rational_quadratic: 40 Random Realizations X(t,omega), and their Mean.' ) print -dpng 'rational_quadratic_figure4.png' % % Estimate the covariance from the data. % figure ( 5 ) clf [ S, T ] = meshgrid ( s_vec, s_vec ); C = cov ( X(s_vec,:)' ); mesh ( S, T, C ); hold on; D = rational_quadratic_correlation ( S, T ); plot3 ( S, T, D, 'k.', 'markersize', 10 ) title ( 'rational_quadratic: Covariance K(S,T) (dots), and Estimate from Realizations (mesh)' ) print -dpng 'rational_quadratic_figure5.png' % % Using just 10 functions in the expansion, % reduce the correlation length, % and examine the sum of the lambda's. % if ( 0 ) fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Use a fixed number of eigenfunctions = %d\n', eigen_use ); fprintf ( 1, ' but vary the correlation length RHOBAR.\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' (We used RHOBAR = 1 above.)\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' The sum of the eigenvalues, divided by (B-A),\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' discloses the relative amount of the total variation\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' that is captured by the truncated expansion.\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' RHOBAR VARSUM\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); rhobar = 4.0; for i = 1 : 10 K = @ ( s, t ) exp ( - abs ( s - t ) / rhobar ); F = fred ( K, domain ( [ a, b ] ) ); lambda_vec = eigs ( F, 20, 'lm' ); varsum = sum ( lambda_vec(1:eigen_use) ) / ( b - a ); fprintf ( 1, ' %10g %10g\n', rhobar, varsum ); rhobar = rhobar / 2.0; end end % % Terminate. % fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, 'RATIONAL_QUADRATIC_TEST:\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Normal end of execution.\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); timestamp ( ); rmpath ( '../chebfun' ) return end