24 August 2004 10:15:11 AM CVT_DATASET (C++ version) Generate a CVT dataset. Compiled on Aug 24 2004 at 07:47:40 This program is meant to be used interactively. It is also possible to prepare a simple input file beforehand and use it in batch mode. The program requests input values from the user: * NDIM, the spatial dimension, * N, the number of points to generate, * SEED, a seed to use for random number generation, * INIT, initialize the points: ** file, read data from a file; ** GRID, by picking points from a grid; ** HALTON, from a Halton sequence; ** RANDOM, using FORTRAN RANDOM function; ** UNIFORM, using a simple uniform RNG; * IT_MAX, the maximum number of iterations. * IT_TOL, the iteration tolerance. * SAMPLE, how to conduct the sampling. ** GRID, by picking points from a grid; ** HALTON, from a Halton sequence; ** RANDOM, using FORTRAN RANDOM function; ** UNIFORM, using a simple uniform RNG; * SAMPLE_NUM, the number of sample points. * BATCH, the number of sample points to generate at one time. The program generates the data, writes it to the file cvt_NDIM_N.txt where "NDIM" and "N" are the numeric values specified by the user, and then asks the user for more input. To indicate that no further computations are desired, it is enough to input a nonsensical value, such as -1. * * * Ready to generate a new dataset: * * Enter NDIM, the spatial dimension: (0 or any negative value terminates execution). User input NDIM = 2 Enter N, the number of points to generate: (0 or any negative value terminates execution). User input N = 15 Enter SEED, a seed for the random number generator: (Any negative value terminates execution). User input SEED = 123456789 INIT is the method of initializing the data: file read data from a file; GRID by picking points from a grid; HALTON from a Halton sequence; RANDOM using C++ RANDOM function; UNIFORM using a simple uniform RNG; (A blank value terminates execution). Enter INIT: User input INIT = "initial11.txt". IT_MAX is the maximum number of iterations. An iteration carries out the following steps: * the Voronoi region associated with each generator is estimated by sampling; * the centroid of each Voronoi region is estimated. * the generator is replaced by the centroid. If "enough" sampling points are used, and "enough" iterations are taken, this process will converge. (A negative value terminates execution). Enter IT_MAX: User input IT_MAX = 40 IT_TOL is the iteration tolerance. Each iteration replaces the generators by the centroids. The L2 norm of the difference between these two sets of points is an indirect measure of convergence. If this L2 norm falls below IT_TOL, the iteration is presumed to have converged, and is terminated early. A zero value is acceptable, and simply means that early termination will not occur. (A negative value terminates execution). Enter IT_TOL: User input IT_TOL = 0 SAMPLE is the method of sampling the region: GRID by picking points from a grid; HALTON from a Halton sequence; RANDOM using C++ RANDOM function; UNIFORM using a simple uniform RNG; (A blank value terminates execution). Enter SAMPLE: User input SAMPLE = "uniform". SAMPLE_NUM is the number of sample points. The Voronoi regions will be explored by generating SAMPLE_NUM points. For each sample point, the nearest generator is found. Using more points gives a better estimate of these regions. SAMPLE_NUM should be much larger than N, the number of generators. (A zero or negative value terminates execution.) Enter SAMPLE_NUM: User input SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 BATCH is the number of sample points to create at one time. BATCH should be between 1 and SAMPLE_NUM. It is FASTER to set BATCH to SAMPLE_NUM; setting BATCH to 1 requires the least memory. (A zero or negative value terminates execution.) Enter BATCH: User input BATCH = 1000 OUTPUT is a file in which to store the data. (A blank value terminates execution). Enter OUTPUT: User input OUTPUT = "cvt11.txt". Step L2-Change 1 0.682674 2 0.341341 3 0.288699 4 0.214247 5 0.179436 6 0.153722 7 0.115914 8 0.122529 9 0.116235 10 0.11503 11 0.114192 12 0.114322 13 0.0945578 14 0.0815863 15 0.0799948 16 0.07013 17 0.0822222 18 0.0860385 19 0.0540568 20 0.0592706 21 0.0713829 22 0.0608356 23 0.0770329 24 0.0650965 25 0.0622333 26 0.0646596 27 0.057146 28 0.0676428 29 0.0748537 30 0.0605896 31 0.0547824 32 0.0719961 33 0.0627877 34 0.0718352 35 0.0838971 36 0.077353 37 0.0777251 38 0.0795602 39 0.0619234 40 0.0579335 The data was written to the file "cvt11.txt * * * Ready to generate a new dataset: * * Enter NDIM, the spatial dimension: (0 or any negative value terminates execution). User input NDIM = -1 CVT_DATASET The input value of NDIM = -1 is interpreted as a request for termination. Normal end of execution. 24 August 2004 10:15:12 AM