function x = r83_cr_sl ( n, a_cr, b ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% R83_CR_SL solves a real linear system factored by R83_CR_FA. % % Discussion: % % The matrix A must be tridiagonal. R83_CR_FA is called to compute the % LU factors of A. It does so using a form of cyclic reduction. If % the factors computed by R83_CR_FA are passed to R83_CR_SL, then one or many % linear systems involving the matrix A may be solved. % % Note that R83_CR_FA does not perform pivoting, and so the solution % produced by R83_CR_SL may be less accurate than a solution produced % by a standard Gauss algorithm. However, such problems can be % guaranteed not to occur if the matrix A is strictly diagonally % dominant, that is, if the absolute value of the diagonal coefficient % is greater than the sum of the absolute values of the two off diagonal % coefficients, for each row of the matrix. % % Example: % % Here is how a R83 matrix of order 5 would be stored: % % * A12 A23 A34 A45 % A11 A22 A33 A44 A55 % A21 A32 A43 A54 * % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 22 March 2004 % % Author: % % MATLAB version by John Burkardt. % % Reference: % % Roger Hockney, % A fast direct solution of Poisson's equation using Fourier Analysis, % Journal of the ACM, % Volume 12, Number 1, pages 95-113, January 1965. % % Parameters: % % Input, integer N, the order of the matrix. % N must be positive. % % Input, real A_CR(3,2*N+1), factorization information computed by R83_CR_FA. % % Input, real B(N), the right hand side vector. % % Output, real X(N), the solution of the linear system. % if ( n <= 0 ) fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, 'R83_CR_SL - Fatal error!\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Nonpositive N = %d\n', n ); return end x = zeros ( n, 1 ); if ( n == 1 ) x(1) = a_cr(2,2) * b(1); return end % % Set up RHS. % rhs = zeros ( 2 * n + 1, 1 ); rhs(1) = 0.0; rhs(2:n+1) = b(1:n); rhs(n+2:2*n+1) = 0.0; il = n; ndiv = 1; ipntp = 0; while ( 1 < il ) ipnt = ipntp; ipntp = ipntp + il; il = floor ( il / 2 ); ndiv = ndiv * 2; ihaf = ipntp; for iful = ipnt + 2 : 2 : ipntp ihaf = ihaf + 1; rhs(ihaf+1) = rhs(iful+1) - a_cr(3,iful) * rhs(iful) ... - a_cr(1,iful+1) * rhs(iful+2); end end rhs(ihaf+1) = rhs(ihaf+1) * a_cr(2,ihaf+1); ipnt = ipntp; while ( 0 < ipnt ) ipntp = ipnt; ndiv = floor ( ndiv / 2 ); il = floor ( n / ndiv ); ipnt = ipnt - il; ihaf = ipntp; for ifulm = ipnt + 1 : 2 : ipntp iful = ifulm + 1; ihaf = ihaf + 1; rhs(iful+1) = rhs(ihaf+1); rhs(ifulm+1) = a_cr(2,ifulm+1) * ( rhs(ifulm+1) ... - a_cr(3,ifulm) * rhs(ifulm) ... - a_cr(1,ifulm+1) * rhs(iful+1) ); end end x(1:n) = rhs(2:n+1); return end