function fd1d_predator_prey ( ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% FD1D_PREDATOR_PREY uses finite differences on a 1D predator prey model. % % Discussion % % This function uses a one-dimensional finite-difference method for % Scheme 2 applied to the predator-prey system with Kinetics 1. % % Author: % % Marcus Garvie % % % User inputs of parameters % alpha = input('Enter parameter alpha '); beta = input('Enter parameter beta '); gamma = input('Enter parameter gamma '); delta = input('Enter parameter delta '); a = input('Enter a in [a,b] '); b = input('Enter b in [a,b] '); h = input('Enter space-step h '); T = input('Enter maximum time T '); delt = input('Enter time-step Delta t '); % % User inputs of initial data % u0 = input('Enter initial data function u0(x) ','s'); % see notes v0 = input('Enter initial data function v0(x) ','s'); % in text % % Calculate some constants % mu=delt/(h^2); J=round((b-a)/h); n = J+1; % no. of nodes (d.f.) for each dependent variable N=round(T/delt); % % Initialization % u=zeros(n,1); v=zeros(n,1); F=zeros(n,1); G=zeros(n,1); y1=zeros(n,1); y2=zeros(n,1); z1=zeros(n,1); z2=zeros(n,1); B1=sparse(n,n); B2=sparse(n,n); L=sparse(n,n); Lower1=sparse(n,n); Lower2=sparse(n,n); U1=sparse(n,n); U2=sparse(n,n); % % Assign initial data % indexI=[1:n]'; x=(indexI-1)*h+a; % vector of x values on grid u = eval(u0).*ones(n,1); v = eval(v0).*ones(n,1); % % Construct matrix L (without 1/h^2 factor) % L=sparse(1,2,-2,n,n); L=L+sparse(n,n-1,-2,n,n); L=L+sparse(2:n-1,3:n,-1,n,n); L=L+sparse(2:n-1,1:n-2,-1,n,n); L=L+sparse(1:n,1:n,2,n,n); % % Construct matrices B1 & B2 % B1=sparse(1:n,1:n,1,n,n) + mu*L; B2=sparse(1:n,1:n,1,n,n) + delta*mu*L; % % Perform the LU factorisation of B1 and B2 % [Lower1,Upper1]=lu(B1); [Lower2,Upper2]=lu(B2); % % Time-stepping procedure % for nt=1:N % Evaluate modified functional response hhat = u./(alpha + abs(u)); % Update right-hand-side of linear system F = u - u.*abs(u) - v.*hhat; G = beta*v.*hhat - gamma*v; y1 = u + delt*F; y2 = v + delt*G; % Forward substitution to solve Lower1*z1=y1 for z1 z1 = Lower1\y1; % Back-substitution to solve Upper1*u=z1 for u u = Upper1\z1; % Forward substitution to solve Lower2*z2=y2 for z2 z2 = Lower2\y2; % Back-substitution to solve Upper2*v=z2 for v v = Upper2\z2; end % % Plot solution at time level T=N*delt % plot(x,u,'k'); hold on; plot(x,v,'k-.') return end