A Sample 2D Navier-Stokes Problem

FEM2D_NAVIER_STOKES_CHANNEL is a MATLAB library which supplies information defining a Navier-Stokes flow problem in a channel. The channel is a rectangular region that is 3 units wide and 1 unit high. This problem is used as a test case for the Navier-Stokes solver.


To run the problem directly, you only need the user-supplied routines in boundary_type.m, constants.m, dirichlet_condition.m, neumann_condition.m and rhs.m, the node data in nodes6.txt, and the element data in triangles6.txt.

You can run the program with the MATLAB command

        fem2d_navier_stokes ( 'nodes6.txt', 'triangles6.txt' )


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


FEM2D_NAVIER_STOKES_CHANNEL is available in a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

FEM2D_NAVIER_STOKES, a MATLAB program which solves the 2D incompressible Navier Stokes equations in an arbitrary triangulated region. In order to run, it requires user-supplied routines that define problem data.

Some of the files needed to run the problem include:

The geometry is defined by sets of nodes and triangles. The velocities use the full set of nodes, and quadratic (6 node) triangles.

The pressures are associated with a subset of the nodes called "pressure nodes", and linear (3 node) triangles. Note that, in the order 3 triangulation, the nodes are renumbered, and do NOT inherit the labels used in the order 6 triangulation.

The Stokes equations are solved first, providing the solution of a linear system that can be used as a good estimate of the solution, especially for high values of the viscosity.

The nonlinear Navier Stokes equations are solved, using the Stokes solution as a starting point.

Last revised on 13 January 2011.