Finite Element Solution on an Arbitrary 2D Region

FEM2D_POISSON is a MATLAB program which applies the finite element method to solve a form of Poisson's equation over an arbitrary triangulated region.

The linear system is stored using the LINPACK general band format, and solved using routines derived from LINPACK. (For this reason, you should probably use the program FEM2D_POISSON_SPARSE instead!)

The geometry is entirely external to the program. The user specifies one file of nodal coordinates, and one file that describes the triangles in terms of six node coordinates.

The program makes a default assumption that all boundary conditions correspond to Dirichlet boundary conditions. The user can adjust these boundary conditions (and even specify Dirichlet constraints on any variable at any node) by setting the appropriate data in certain user routines.

At the moment, Neumann conditions, if specified, must have a zero right hand side. The machinery to integrate a nonzero Neumann condition has not been set up yet.

Computational Region

The computational region is unknown by the program. The user specifies it by preparing a file containing the coordinates of the nodes, and a file containing the indices of nodes that make up triangles that form a triangulation of the region. For the following ridiculously small example:

        |\   |\
        | \  | \
        |  \ |  \
        |   \|   \
the node file would be:
         0.0 0.0
         1.0 0.0
         2.0 0.0
         0.0 1.0
         1.0 1.0
and the triangle file would be
        1 2 4
        5 4 2
        2 3 5

The program is set up to handle the linear Poisson equation with a right hand side function, and nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. The state variable U(X,Y) is then constrained by:

        - Del H(x,y) Del U(x,y) + K(x,y) * U(x,y) = F(x,y)  inside the region;
                                           U(x,y) = G(x,y)  on the boundary.

To specify the right hand side function F(x,y), the coefficient functions H(x,y) and K(x,y) and the boundary condition function G(x,y), the user has to supply routines:

The program writes out a file containing an Encapsulated PostScript image of the nodes and elements, with numbers. If there are a lot of nodes, the plot may be too cluttered to read. For lower values, however, it is a valuable map of what is going on in the geometry.

The program is also able to write out a file containing the solution value at every node. This file may be used to create contour plots of the solution.


fem2d_poisson ( 'prefix' )
where 'prefix' is the common input filename prefix:


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


FEM2D_POISSON is available in a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

FEM2D_POISSON_ELL, a MATLAB library which defines the geometry of an L-shaped region, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by FEM2D_POISSON as part of a solution procedure.

FEM2D_POISSON_LAKE, a MATLAB library which defines the geometry of a lake-shaped region, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by FEM2D_POISSON as part of a solution procedure.

FEM2D_POISSON_SPARSE, a MATLAB program which solves the steady (time independent) Poisson equation on an arbitrary 2D triangulated region using MATLAB's sparse solver.


  1. Hans Rudolf Schwarz,
    Finite Element Methods,
    Academic Press, 1988,
    ISBN: 0126330107,
    LC: TA347.F5.S3313.
  2. Gilbert Strang, George Fix,
    An Analysis of the Finite Element Method,
    Cambridge, 1973,
    ISBN: 096140888X,
    LC: TA335.S77.
  3. Olgierd Zienkiewicz,
    The Finite Element Method,
    Sixth Edition,
    Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005,
    ISBN: 0750663200,
    LC: TA640.2.Z54

Source Code:

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.

Last revised on 14 January 2011.