FEM2D_SAMPLE is a MATLAB program which evaluates a finite element function of a 2D argument.
The current version of the program can only handle finite element meshes which are made of piecewise linear triangles of order 3 or 6.
fem2d_sample ( 'fem_prefix', 'sample_prefix' )where 'fem_prefix' is the common prefix for the FEM files:
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
FEM2D_SAMPLE is available in a C++ version and a FORTRAN77 version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.
DISCRETE_PDF_SAMPLE, a MATLAB program which demonstrates how to construct a Probability Density Function (PDF) from a table of sample data, and then to use that PDF to create new samples.
FEM1D_SAMPLE, a MATLAB program which samples a scalar or vector finite element function of one variable, defined by FEM files, returning interpolated values at the sample points.
FEM2D, a data directory which contains examples of 2D FEM files, text files that describe a 2D finite element geometry and associated nodal values;
FEM2D_HEAT, a MATLAB program which solves the 2D time dependent heat equation on the unit square.
FEM2D_NAVIER_STOKES, a MATLAB program which solves the 2D incompressible Navier Stokes equations in an arbitrary triangulated region.
FEM2D_PACK, a MATLAB library which is useful for 2D finite element calculations.
FEM2D_POISSON, a MATLAB program which solves the 2D Poisson equation on a square, using the finite element method.
FEM2D_PROJECT, a MATLAB program which projects a function F(X,Y) into a given finite element space of piecewise linear triangular elements.
FEM2D_STOKES, a MATLAB program which solves the 2D incompressible Stokes equations in an arbitrary triangulated region.
FEM3D_SAMPLE, a MATLAB program which evaluates a finite element function defined on 3D tetrahedral mesh.
SQ is FEM data for the function f(x,y)=x^2+y^2, on a 5x5 grid of nodes, organized into linear triangles. The sample data seeks the values of this function on a 4x4 evenly spaced grid.
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