function [ u_rhs, v_rhs, p_rhs ] = rhs ( node_num, node_xy ) %% RHS gives the right-hand side of the differential equation. % % Modified: % % 20 October 2006 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer NODE_NUM, the number of nodes. % % Input, real NODE_XY(2,NODE_NUM), the coordinates of the nodes. % % Output, real U_RHS(NODE_NUM), V_RHS(NODE_NUM), P_RHS(NODE_NUM), % the right hand sides of the differential equations at the nodes. % p_rhs(1:node_num) = 0.0; u_rhs(1:node_num) = 0.0; v_rhs(1:node_num) = 0.0;