function [ ibeta, it, irnd, ngrd, machep, negep, iexp, minexp, ... maxexp, eps, epsneg, xmin, xmax ] = r8_machar ( dummy ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% R8_MACHAR determines double precision real machine constants. % % Discussion: % % This routine determines the parameters of the double precision % real arithmetic system. The determination of the first % three uses an extension of an algorithm due to Malcolm, % incorporating some of the improvements suggested by Gentleman and % Marovich. % % This routine appeared as ACM algorithm 665. % % An earlier version of this program was published in Cody and Waite. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 11 November 2006 % % Author: % % Original FORTRAN77 version by William Cody % MATLAB version by John Burkardt % % Reference: % % William Cody, % ACM Algorithm 665, MACHAR, a routine to dynamically determine % machine parameters, % ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, % Volume 14, Number 4, pages 303-311, 1988. % % William Cody, William Waite, % Software Manual for the Elementary Functions, % Prentice Hall, 1980. % % Morvern Gentleman, Scott Marovich, % Communications of the ACM, % Volume 17, pages 276-277, 1974. % % Michael Malcolm, % Communications of the ACM, % Volume 15, pages 949-951, 1972. % % Parameters: % % Output, integer IBETA, the radix for the floating-point representation. % % Output, integer IT, the number of base IBETA digits in the floating-point % significand. % % Output, integer IRND: % 0, if floating-point addition chops. % 1, if floating-point addition rounds, but not in the IEEE style. % 2, if floating-point addition rounds in the IEEE style. % 3, if floating-point addition chops, and there is partial underflow. % 4, if floating-point addition rounds, but not in the IEEE style, and % there is partial underflow. % 5, if floating-point addition rounds in the IEEE style, and there is % partial underflow. % % Output, integer NGRD, the number of guard digits for multiplication with % truncating arithmetic. It is % 0, if floating-point arithmetic rounds, or if it truncates and only % IT base IBETA digits participate in the post-normalization shift of the % floating-point significand in multiplication; % 1, if floating-point arithmetic truncates and more than IT base IBETA % digits participate in the post-normalization shift of the floating-point % significand in multiplication. % % Output, integer MACHEP, the largest negative integer such that % 1.0 < 1.0 + real ( IBETA )^MACHEP, % except that MACHEP is bounded below by - ( IT + 3 ). % % Output, integer NEGEPS, the largest negative integer such that % 1.0 - real ( IBETA )^NEGEPS < 1.0, % except that NEGEPS is bounded below by - ( IT + 3 ). % % Output, integer IEXP, the number of bits (decimal places if IBETA = 10) % reserved for the representation of the exponent (including the bias or % sign) of a floating-point number. % % Output, integer MINEXP, the largest in magnitude negative integer such % that % real ( IBETA )^MINEXP % is positive and normalized. % % Output, integer MAXEXP, the smallest positive power of BETA that overflows. % % Output, real EPS, the smallest positive floating-point number % such that % 1.0 + EPS ~= 1.0. % in particular, if either IBETA = 2 or IRND = 0, % EPS = real ( IBETA )^MACHEP. % Otherwise, % EPS = ( real ( IBETA )^MACHEP ) / 2. % % Output, real EPSNEG, a small positive floating-point number % such that % 1.0 - EPSNEG < 1.0. % In particular, if IBETA = 2 or IRND = 0, % EPSNEG = real ( IBETA )^NEGEPS. % Otherwise, % EPSNEG = ( real ( IBETA )^NEGEPS ) / 2. % Because NEGEPS is bounded below by - ( IT + 3 ), EPSNEG might not be the % smallest number that can alter 1.0 by subtraction. % % Output, real XMIN, the smallest non-vanishing normalized % floating-point power of the radix: % XMIN = real ( IBETA )^MINEXP % % Output, real XMAX, the largest finite floating-point number. % In particular, % XMAX = ( 1.0 - EPSNEG ) * real ( IBETA )^MAXEXP % On some machines, the computed value of XMAX will be only the second, % or perhaps third, largest number, being too small by 1 or 2 units in % the last digit of the significand. % one = 1; two = one + one; zero = one - one; % % Determine IBETA and BETA ala Malcolm. % a = one; while ( 1 ) a = a + a; temp = a + one; temp1 = temp - a; if ( temp1 - one ~= zero ) break end end b = one; while ( 1 ) b = b + b; temp = a + b; itemp = floor ( temp - a ); if ( itemp ~= 0 ) break end end ibeta = itemp; beta = ibeta; % % Determine IT and IRND. % it = 0; b = one; while ( 1 ) it = it + 1; b = b * beta; temp = b + one; temp1 = temp - b; if ( temp1 - one ~= zero ) break end end irnd = 0; betah = beta / two; temp = a + betah; if ( temp - a ~= zero ) irnd = 1; end tempa = a + beta; temp = tempa + betah; if ( irnd == 0 & temp - tempa ~= zero ) irnd = 2; end % % Determine NEGEP and EPSNEG. % negep = it + 3; betain = one / beta; a = one; for i = 1 : negep a = a * betain; end b = a; while ( 1 ) temp = one - a; if ( temp - one ~= zero ) break end a = a * beta; negep = negep - 1; end negep = -negep; epsneg = a; if ( ibeta ~= 2 & irnd ~= 0 ) a = ( a * ( one + a ) ) / two; temp = one - a; if ( temp - one ~= zero ) epsneg = a; end end % % Determine MACHEP and EPS. % machep = -it - 3; a = b; while ( 1 ) temp = one + a; if ( temp - one ~= zero ) break end a = a * beta; machep = machep + 1; end eps = a; temp = tempa + beta * ( one + eps ); if ( ibeta ~= 2 & irnd ~= 0 ) a = ( a * ( one + a ) ) / two; temp = one + a; if ( temp - one ~= zero ) eps = a; end end % % Determine NGRD. % ngrd = 0; temp = one + eps; if ( irnd == 0 & temp * one - one ~= zero ) ngrd = 1; end % % Determine IEXP, MINEXP and XMIN. % % Loop to determine largest I and K = 2^I such that (1/BETA)^(2^(I)) % does not underflow. Exit from loop is signaled by an underflow. % i = 0; k = 1; z = betain; t = one + eps; nxres = 0; while ( 1 ) y = z; z = y * y; a = z * one; temp = z * t; if ( a + a == zero | y <= abs ( z ) ) break end temp1 = temp * betain; if ( temp1 * beta == z ) break end i = i + 1; k = k + k; end % % This segment is for nondecimal machines. % if ( ibeta ~= 10 ) iexp = i + 1; mx = k + k; % % This segment is for decimal machines only. % else iexp = 2; iz = ibeta; while ( 1 ) if ( k < iz ) break end iz = iz * ibeta; iexp = iexp + 1; end mx = iz + iz - 1; end % % Loop to determine MINEXP, XMIN. % Exit from loop is signaled by an underflow. % while ( 1 ) xmin = y; y = y * betain; a = y * one; temp = y * t; if ( a + a == zero | xmin <= abs ( y ) ) break end k = k + 1; temp1 = temp * betain; if ( temp1 * beta == y ) nxres = 3; xmin = y; break end end minexp = -k; % % Determine MAXEXP and XMAX. % if ( mx <= k + k - 3 & ibeta ~= 10 ) mx = mx + mx; iexp = iexp + 1; end maxexp = mx + minexp; % % Adjust IRND to reflect partial underflow. % irnd = irnd + nxres; % % Adjust for IEEE-style machines. % if ( irnd == 2 | irnd == 5 ) maxexp = maxexp - 2; end % % Adjust for non-IEEE machines with partial underflow. % if ( irnd == 3 | irnd == 4 ) maxexp = maxexp - it; end % % Adjust for machines with implicit leading bit in binary significand, % and machines with radix point at extreme right of significand. % i = maxexp + minexp; if ( ibeta == 2 & i == 0 ) maxexp = maxexp - 1; end if ( 20 < i ) maxexp = maxexp - 1; end if ( a ~= y ) maxexp = maxexp - 2; end xmax = one - epsneg; if ( xmax * one ~= xmax ) xmax = one - beta * epsneg; end xmax = xmax / ( beta * beta * beta * xmin ); i = maxexp + minexp + 3; for j = 1 : i if ( ibeta == 2 ) xmax = xmax + xmax; else xmax = xmax * beta; end end return end