>> components_test 01-Mar-2011 10:54:29 COMPONENTS_TEST: MATLAB version Test the COMPONENTS library. COMPONENTS_TEST01 I4VEC_COMPONENTS finds and labels connected components in a 1D integer vector. A: 0012400400089912300501600040 Number of components = 6 C: 0011100200033333300405500060 COMPONENTS_TEST02 I4MAT_COMPONENTS finds and labels connected components in a 2D integer array. A: 00000000000000000 00110011001100110 01111111100111100 00011110001111000 00111100011100110 01110011000111000 00110000011000110 00000011110011110 00000000000000000 Number of components = 6 C: 00000000000000000 00110011002200220 01111111100222200 00011110002222000 00111100022200330 01110044000222000 00110000055000660 00000055550066660 00000000000000000 COMPONENTS_TEST03 I4BLOCK_COMPONENTS finds and labels connected components in a 3D integer block. A is a 3D block of order 64*64*26 Number of nonzero A values is 1099 Number of components = 6 Component Size 1 163 2 210 3 90 4 222 5 312 6 102 ------ -------- Total 1099 COMPONENTS_TEST Normal end of execution. 01-Mar-2011 10:54:29 >>