Flow Animation for the INOUT Cell

INOUT_FLOW_MOVIE is a MATLAB program which creates an animation of the velocity solutions to a time-dependent incompressible parameterized flow problem in a cell with inflow and outflow.

The "INOUT" region is contained in the unit square, [0,1] x [0,1]. There is an inlet on the left side, from [0,0] to [0,0.2], and an outlet on the right side, from [1,0.8] to [1.0,1.0].

       ||                    --->
       ||                    ----->
       ||                    --->
       ||                     ++
       ||                     ||
       ||                     ||
       ||                     ||
       ||                     ||
       ++                     ||
      --->                    ||
      ----->                  ||
      --->                    ||
There are 1,681 nodes in a 41 by 41 evenly spaced grid. The nodes are organized into 800 6-node triangular elements which are quadratic in velocity and linear in pressure.

The INOUT animation created by this program is stored in the MP4 directory.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Data and Programs:

FILE_NAME_SEQUENCE, a MATLAB program which demonstrates four ways to generate a sequence of filenames.

INOUT, a FORTRAN77 program which computes flow solutions in the INOUT region.

INOUT_FLOW, a dataset directory which includes the raw solution data that is animated by INOUT_FLOW_MOVIE.

INOUT_FLOW_DISPLAY, a MATLAB program which can display a single flow field solution in the INOUT region.

PEAK_MOVIE, a MATLAB program which creates the pieces of an animation, one frame at a time. Each frame is independently created and saved as a JPEG file.

VELOCITY_ARROWS_GRID, a MATLAB program which reads files of node and velocity data, and, using interpolation, creates a vector plot with arrows place on a uniform grid of the user's specification.

Source Code:

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source code directory.

Last revised on 06 November 2005.