function value = j_double_product_integral ( i, j, a, b ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% J_DOUBLE_PRODUCT_INTEGRAL: integral of J(i,x)*J(j,x)*(1-x)^a*(1+x)^b. % % Discussion: % % VALUE = integral ( -1 <= x <= +1 ) J(i,x)*J(j,x)*(1-x)^a*(1+x)^b dx % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 20 March 2012 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer I, J, the polynomial indices. % % Input, real A, B, the parameters. % -1 < A, B. % % Output, real VALUE, the value of the integral. % if ( i ~= j ) value = 0.0; else value = 2^( a + b + 1.0 ) / ( 2 * i + a + b + 1 ) ... * gamma ( i + a + 1 ) * gamma ( i + b + 1 ) ... / r8_factorial ( i ) / gamma ( i + a + b + 1 ); end return end