function [ a, ipvt, info ] = cchdc ( a, lda, p, ipvt, job ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% CCHDC: Cholesky decomposition of a Hermitian positive definite matrix. % % Discussion: % % A pivoting option allows the user to estimate the condition of a % Hermitian positive definite matrix or determine the rank of a % Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix. % % For Hermitian positive definite matrices, INFO = P is the normal return. % % For pivoting with Hermitian positive semidefinite matrices, INFO will % in general be less than P. However, INFO may be greater than % the rank of A, since rounding error can cause an otherwise zero % element to be positive. Indefinite systems will always cause % INFO to be less than P. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 06 May 2006 % % Author: % % MATLAB version by John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Jack Dongarra, Cleve Moler, Jim Bunch and Pete Stewart, % LINPACK User's Guide, % SIAM, (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), % 3600 University City Science Center, % Philadelphia, PA, 19104-2688. % % Parameters: % % Input, complex A(LDA,P), the matrix % whose decomposition is to be computed. Only the upper half of A % need be stored. The lower part of the array A is not referenced. % % Input, integer LDA, the leading dimension of A. % % Input, integer P, the order of the matrix. % % Input, integer IPVT(P). IPVT is not referenced if JOB == 0. % On input, IPVT contains integers that control the selection of the % pivot elements, if pivoting has been requested. Each diagonal element % A(K,K) is placed in one of three classes according to the input % value of IPVT(K): % IPVT(K) > 0, X(K) is an initial element. % IPVT(K) == 0, X(K) is a free element. % IPVT(K) < 0, X(K) is a final element. % Before the decomposition is computed, initial elements are moved by % symmetric row and column interchanges to the beginning of the array A % and final elements to the end. Both initial and final elements % are frozen in place during the computation and only free elements % are moved. At the K-th stage of the reduction, if A(K,K) is occupied % by a free element, it is interchanged with the largest free element % A(L,L) with K <= L. % % Input, integer JOB, specifies whether column pivoting is to be done. % 0, no pivoting is done. % nonzero, pivoting is done. % % Output, complex A(LDA,P). A contains in its upper half the Cholesky factor % of the matrix A as it has been permuted by pivoting. % % Output, integer IPVT(P). IPVT(K) contains the index of the diagonal element % of A that was moved into the J-th position, if pivoting was requested. % % Output, integer INFO, contains the index of the last positive % diagonal element of the Cholesky factor. % pl = 1; pu = 0; info = p; if ( job ~= 0 ) % % Pivoting has been requested. Rearrange the elements according to IPVT. % for k = 1: p swapk = ( 0 < ipvt(k) ); negk = ( ipvt(k) < 0 ); if ( negk ) ipvt(k) = -k; else ipvt(k) = k; end if ( swapk ) if ( k ~= pl ) temp(1:pl-1) = a(1:pl-1,k); a(1:pl-1,k) = a(1:pl-1,pl); a(1:pl-1,pl) = temp; temp = a(k,k); a(k,k) = a(pl,pl); a(pl,pl) = temp; a(pl,k) = a(pl,k)'; plp1 = pl + 1; for j = plp1 : p if ( j < k ) temp = a(pl,j)'; a(pl,j) = a(j,k)'; a(j,k) = temp; elseif ( j ~= k ) temp = a(k,j); a(k,j) = a(pl,j); a(pl,j) = temp; end end ipvt(k) = ipvt(pl); ipvt(pl) = k; end pl = pl + 1; end end pu = p; for kb = pl : p k = p - kb + pl; if ( ipvt(k) < 0 ) ipvt(k) = -ipvt(k); if ( pu ~= k ) temp(1:k-1) = a(1:k-1,k); a(1:k-1,k) = a(1:k-1,pu); a(1:k-1,pu) = temp; temp = a(k,k); a(k,k) = a(pu,pu); a(pu,pu) = temp; a(k,pu) = a(k,pu)'; for j = k + 1 : p if ( j < pu ) temp = a(k,j)'; a(k,j) = a(j,pu)'; a(j,pu) = temp; elseif ( j ~= pu ) temp = a(k,j); a(k,j) = a(pu,j); a(pu,j) = temp; end end temp = ipvt(k); ipvt(k) = ipvt(pu); ipvt(pu) = temp; end pu = pu - 1; end end end for k = 1 : p % % Reduction loop. % maxdia = real ( a(k,k) ); maxl = k; % % Determine the pivot element. % if ( pl <= k & k < pu ) for l = k+1 : pu if ( maxdia < real ( a(l,l) ) ) maxdia = real ( a(l,l) ); maxl = l; end end end % % Quit if the pivot element is not positive. % if ( maxdia <= 0.0 ) info = k - 1; return end % % Start the pivoting and update IPVT. % if ( k ~= maxl ) km1 = k - 1; temp(1:k-1) = a(1:k-1,k); a(1:k-1,k) = a(1:k-1,maxl); a(1:k-1,maxl) = temp; temp = ipvt(maxl); ipvt(maxl) = ipvt(k); ipvt(k) = temp; a(k,maxl) = a(k,maxl)'; end % % Reduction step. Pivoting is contained across the rows. % work(k,1) = complex ( sqrt ( real ( a(k,k) ) ), 0.0 ); a(k,k) = work(k,1); for j = k+1 : p if ( k ~= maxl ) if ( j < maxl ) temp = a(k,j)'; a(k,j) = a(j,maxl)'; a(j,maxl) = temp; elseif ( j ~= maxl ) temp = a(k,j); a(k,j) = a(maxl,j); a(maxl,j) = temp; end end a(k,j) = a(k,j) / work(k,1); work(j,1) = a(k,j)'; temp = -a(k,j); a(k+1:j,j) = a(k+1:j,j) + temp * work(k+1:j,1); end end return end