function [ s, e, u, v, info ] = csvdc ( x, ldx, n, p, ldu, ldv, job ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% CSVDC applies the singular value decompostion to an N by P matrix. % % Discussion: % % The routine reduces a complex N by P matrix X, by unitary transformations % U and V, to diagonal form. % % The diagonal elements, S(I), are the singular values of Z. The % columns of U are the corresponding left singular vectors, % and the columns of V the right singular vectors. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 15 May 2007 % % Author: % % MATLAB version by John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart, % LINPACK User's Guide, % SIAM, 1979, % ISBN13: 978-0-898711-72-1, % LC: QA214.L56. % % Parameters: % % Input, complex X(LDX,P); the matrix whose singular value % decomposition is to be computed. % % Input, integer LDX, the leading dimension of X. N <= LDX. % % Input, integer N, the number of rows of the matrix. % % Input, integer P, the number of columns of the matrix X. % % Input, integer LDU, the leading dimension of U. N <= LDU. % % Input, integer LDV, the leading dimension of V. P <= LDV. % % Input, integer JOB, controls the computation of the singular vectors. % It has the decimal expansion AB meaning: % A = 0, do not compute the left singular vectors. % A = 1, return the N left singular vectors in U. % A >= 2, returns the first min ( N, P ) left singular vectors in U. % B = 0, do not compute the right singular vectors. % B = 1, return the right singular vectors in V. % % Output, complex S(MM), where MM = max ( N + 1, P ), the first min ( N, P ) % entries of S contain the singular values of X arranged in descending % order of magnitude. % % Output, complex E(MM), where MM = max ( N + 1, P ), ordinarily % contains zeros on output. However, see the discussion of INFO % for exceptions. % % Output, complex U(LDU,K). If JOBA == 1 then K == n; if JOBA >= 2, % then K == min ( N, P ). U contains the matrix of left singular vectors. % U is not referenced if JOBA == 0. % % Output, complex V(LDV,P), if requested, the matrix of right singular % vectors. % % Output, integer INFO. The singular values and their corresponding % singular vectors, S(INFO+1), S(INFO+2),..., S(M) are correct. Here % M = min ( N, P ). Thus if INFO == 0, all the singular values and % their vectors are correct. In any event, the matrix % B = hermitian(U)*X*V % is the bidiagonal matrix with the elements of S on its diagonal % and the elements of E on its super-diagonal. Hermitian(U) % is the conjugate-transpose of U. Thus the singular values of X % and B are the same. % maxit = 30; u = []; v = []; % % Determine what is to be computed. % wantu = 0; wantv = 0; jobu = floor ( mod ( job, 100 ) / 10 ); if ( 1 < jobu ) ncu = min ( n, p ); else ncu = n; end if ( jobu ~= 0 ) wantu = 1; end if ( mod ( job, 10 ) ~= 0 ) wantv = 1; end % % Reduce X to bidiagonal form, storing the diagonal elements % in S and the super-diagonal elements in E. % info = 0; nct = min ( n - 1, p ); nrt = max ( 0, min ( p - 2, n ) ); lu = max ( nct, nrt ); for l = 1 : lu % % Compute the transformation for the L-th column and % place the L-th diagonal in S(L). % if ( l <= nct ) s(l) = scnrm2 ( n-l+1, x(l:n,l), 1 ); if ( cabs1 ( s(l) ) ~= 0.0 ) if ( cabs1 ( x(l,l) ) ~= 0.0 ) s(l) = csign2 ( s(l), x(l,l) ); end x(l:n,l) = x(l:n,l) / s(l); x(l,l) = 1.0 + x(l,l); end s(l) = -s(l); end for j = l + 1 : p if ( l <= nct ) if ( cabs1 ( s(l) ) ~= 0.0 ) t = - ( conj ( transpose ( x(l:n,l) ) ) * x(l:n,j) ) / x(l,l); x(l:n,j) = x(l:n,j) + t * x(l:n,l); end end % % Place the L-th row of X into E for the % subsequent calculation of the row transformation. % e(j) = conj ( x(l,j) ); end % % Place the transformation in U for subsequent back multiplication. % if ( wantu & l <= nct ) u(l:n,l) = x(l:n,l); end if ( l <= nrt ) % % Compute the L-th row transformation and place the % L-th super-diagonal in E(L). % e(l) = scnrm2 ( p-l, e(l+1:p), 1 ); if ( cabs1 ( e(l) ) ~= 0.0 ) if ( cabs1 ( e(l+1) ) ~= 0.0 ) e(l) = csign2 ( e(l), e(l+1) ); end e(l+1:p) = e(l+1:p) / e(l); e(l+1) = 1.0 + e(l+1); end e(l) = -conj ( e(l) ); % % Apply the transformation. % if ( l+1 <= n & cabs1 ( e(l) ) ~= 0.0 ); work(l+1:n) = 0.0; for j = l+1 : p work(l+1:n) = work(l+1:n) + e(j) * transpose ( x(l+1:n,j) ); end for j = l+1 : p x(l+1:n,j) = x(l+1:n,j) ... + conj ( -e(j) / e(l+1) ) * transpose ( work(l+1:n) ); end end % % Place the transformation in V for subsequent back multiplication. % if ( wantv ) v(l+1:p,l) = transpose ( e(l+1:p) ); end end end % % Set up the final bidiagonal matrix of order M. % m = min ( p, n + 1 ); nctp1 = nct + 1; nrtp1 = nrt + 1; if ( nct < p ) s(nctp1) = x(nctp1,nctp1); end if ( n < m ) s(m) = 0.0; end if ( nrtp1 < m ) e(nrtp1) = x(nrtp1,m); end e(m) = 0.0; % % If required, generate U. % if ( wantu ) for j = nctp1 : ncu u(1:n,j) = 0.0; u(j,j) = 1.0; end for ll = 1 : nct l = nct - ll + 1; if ( cabs1 ( s(l) ) ~= 0.0 ) for j = l+1 : ncu t = - ( conj ( transpose ( u(l:n,l) ) ) * u(l:n,j) ) / u(l,l); u(l:n,j) = u(l:n,j) + t * u(l:n,l); end u(l:n,l) = - u(l:n,l); u(l,l) = 1.0 + u(l,l); u(1:l-1,l) = 0.0; else u(1:n,l) = 0.0; u(l,l) = 1.0; end end end % % If it is required, generate V. % if ( wantv ) for ll = 1 : p l = p - ll + 1; if ( l <= nrt ) if ( cabs1 ( e(l) ) ~= 0.0 ) for j = l+1 : p t = - ( conj ( transpose ( v(l+1:p,l) ) ) * v(l+1:p,j) ) / v(l+1,l); v(l+1:p,j) = v(l+1:p,j) + t * v(l+1:p,l); end end end v(1:p,l) = 0.0; v(l,l) = 1.0; end end % % Transform S and E so that they are real. % for i = 1 : m if ( cabs1 ( s(i) ) ~= 0.0 ) t = abs ( s(i) ); r = s(i) / t; s(i) = t; if ( i < m ) e(i) = e(i) / r; end if ( wantu ) u(1:n,i) = u(1:n,i) * r; end end if ( i == m ) break end if ( cabs1 ( e(i) ) ~= 0.0 ) t = abs ( e(i) ); r = t / e(i); e(i) = t; s(i+1) = s(i+1) * r; if ( wantv ) v(1:p,i+1) = v(1:p,i+1) * r; end end end % % Main iteration loop for the singular values. % mm = m; iter = 0; while ( 1 ) % % Quit if all the singular values have been found. % if ( m == 0 ) break end % % If too many iterations have been performed, set flag and return. % if ( maxit <= iter ) info = m; break end % % This section of the program inspects for negligible elements in S and E. % % On completion, the variables KASE and L are set as follows. % % KASE = 1 if S(M) and E(L-1) are negligible and L < M % KASE = 2 if S(L) is negligible and L < M % KASE = 3 if E(L-1) is negligible, L < M, and % S(L), ..., S(M) are not negligible (QR step). % KASE = 4 if E(M-1) is negligible (convergence). % for ll = 1 : m l = m - ll; if ( l == 0 ) break end test = abs ( s(l) ) + abs ( s(l+1) ); ztest = test + abs ( e(l) ); if ( ztest == test ) e(l) = 0.0; break end end if ( l == m - 1 ) kase = 4; else mp1 = m + 1; for lls = l+1 : mp1 ls = m - lls + l + 1; if ( ls == l ) break end test = 0.0; if ( ls ~= m ) test = test + abs ( e(ls) ); end if ( ls ~= l + 1 ) test = test + abs ( e(ls-1) ); end ztest = test + abs ( s(ls) ); if ( ztest == test ) s(ls) = 0.0; break end end if ( ls == l ) kase = 3; elseif ( ls == m ) kase = 1; else kase = 2; l = ls; end end l = l + 1; % % Deflate negligible S(M). % if ( kase == 1 ) mm1 = m - 1; f = real ( e(m-1) ); e(m-1) = 0.0; for kk = l : mm1 k = mm1 - kk + l; t1 = real ( s(k) ); [ cs, sn, t1, f ] = srotg ( t1, f ); s(k) = t1; if ( k ~= l ) f = -sn * real ( e(k-1) ); e(k-1) = cs * e(k-1); end if ( wantv ) [ v(1:p,k), v(1:p,m) ] = csrot ( p, v(1:p,k), 1, v(1:p,m), 1, cs, sn ); end end % % Split at negligible S(L). % elseif ( kase == 2 ) f = real ( e(l-1) ); e(l-1) = 0.0; for k = l : m t1 = real ( s(k) ); [ cs, sn, t1, f ] = srotg ( t1, f ); s(k) = t1; f = -sn * real ( e(k) ); e(k) = cs * e(k); if ( wantu ) [ u(1:n,k), u(1:n,l-1) ] = csrot ( n, u(1:n,k), 1, u(1:n,l-1), 1, cs, sn ); end end % % Perform one QR step. % elseif ( kase == 3 ) % % Calculate the shift. % scale = max ( abs ( s(m) ), ... max ( abs ( s(m-1) ), ... max ( abs ( e(m-1) ), ... max ( abs ( s(l) ), abs ( e(l) ) ) ) ) ); sm = real ( s(m) ) / scale; smm1 = real ( s(m-1) ) / scale; emm1 = real ( e(m-1) ) / scale; sl = real ( s(l) ) / scale; el = real ( e(l) ) / scale; b = ( ( smm1 + sm ) * ( smm1 - sm ) + emm1^2 ) / 2.0; c = ( sm * emm1 )^2; shift = 0.0; if ( b ~= 0.0 | c ~= 0.0 ) shift = sqrt ( b^2 + c ); if ( b < 0.0 ) shift = -shift; end shift = c / ( b + shift ); end f = ( sl + sm ) * ( sl - sm ) + shift; g = sl * el; % % Chase zeros. % mm1 = m - 1; for k = l : mm1 [ cs, sn, f, g ] = srotg ( f, g ); if ( k ~= l ) e(k-1) = f; end f = cs * real ( s(k) ) + sn * real ( e(k) ); e(k) = cs * e(k) - sn * s(k); g = sn * real ( s(k+1) ); s(k+1) = cs * s(k+1); if ( wantv ) [ v(1:p,k), v(1:p,k+1) ] = csrot ( p, v(1:p,k), 1, v(1:p,k+1), 1, cs, sn ); end [ cs, sn, f, g ] = srotg ( f, g ); s(k) = f; f = cs * real ( e(k) ) + sn * real ( s(k+1) ); s(k+1) = -sn * e(k) + cs * s(k+1); g = sn * real ( e(k+1) ); e(k+1) = cs * e(k+1); if ( wantu & k < n ) [ u(1:n,k), u(1:n,k+1) ] = csrot ( n, u(1:n,k), 1, u(1:n,k+1), 1, cs, sn ); end end e(m-1) = f; iter = iter + 1; % % Convergence. % elseif ( kase == 4 ) % % Make the singular value positive. % if ( real ( s(l) ) < 0.0 ) s(l) = -s(l); if ( wantv ) v(1:p,l) = - v(1:p,l); end end % % Order the singular values. % while ( l ~= mm ) if ( real ( s(l+1) ) <= real ( s(l) ) ) break end t = s(l); s(l) = s(l+1); s(l+1) = t; if ( wantv & l < p ) temp = v(1:p,l); v(1:p,l) = v(1:p,l+1); v(1:p,l+1) = temp; end if ( wantu & l < n ) temp = u(1:n,l); u(1:n,l) = u(1:n,l+1); u(1:n,l+1) = temp; end l = l + 1; end iter = 0; m = m - 1; end end return end