function lorenz_simulation ( action ) %% LORENZ_SIMULATION plots the orbit around the Lorenz chaotic attractor. % % Discussion: % % This program is a modification of the "lorenzdemo" program that % is part of the MATLAB demo set. % % We modified the original program because we wanted to be able to % vary the initial condition for the integration. This turned out to % be far more difficult than we realized, since the "lorenzdemo" % program is full of code that looks important, but actually is not used. % % The key is that the "lorenzdemo" displays some buttons, and as soon % as you push a button, it calls "lorenz", which is a built in MATLAB % function. This function is probably the same as "lorenzdemo". % However, if you change "lorenzdemo", you have not changed "lorenz"! % In other words, you can make all the changes you want to "lorenzdemo", % but most of them will have no effect whatsoever, since "lorenzdemo" % actually calls "lorenz". % % This version, with the altered name "lorenz_simulation", calls itself. % Thus, if you change this code, you will see a change when you run it. % For our purposes, we were able to change the initial condition Y0, and % have that effect the calculation as we wanted. % % Note, also, that the ordering of the variables is somewhat different % than is to be seen in other contexts. % % The original comments follow: % % This demo animates the integration of the % three coupled nonlinear differential equations % that define the "Lorenz Attractor", a chaotic % system first described by Edward Lorenz of % the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. % % As the integration proceeds you will see a % point moving around in a curious orbit in % 3-D space known as a strange attractor. The % orbit is bounded, but not periodic and not % convergent (hence the word "strange"). % % Use the "Start" and "Stop" buttons to control % the animation. % % Adapted for Demo by Ned Gulley, 6-21-93; jae Roh, 10-15-96 % Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/08/16 01:38:31 $ % The values of the global parameters are: global SIGMA RHO BETA SIGMA = 10.; RHO =28.; BETA = 8./3.; % Possible actions: % initialize % close % Information regarding the play status will be held in % the axis user data according to the following table: play= 1; if nargin<1, action='initialize'; end switch action case 'initialize' oldFigNumber=watchon; figNumber=figure( ... 'Name','Lorenz Attractor', ... 'NumberTitle','off', ... 'Visible','off'); colordef(figNumber,'black') axes( ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[0.05 0.10 0.75 0.95], ... 'Visible','off'); text(0,0,'Press the "Start" button to see the Lorenz demo', ... 'HorizontalAlignment','center'); axis([-1 1 -1 1]); %=================================== % Information for all buttons xPos=0.85; btnLen=0.10; btnWid=0.10; % Spacing between the button and the next command's label spacing=0.05; %==================================== % The CONSOLE frame frmBorder=0.02; yPos=0.05-frmBorder; frmPos=[xPos-frmBorder yPos btnLen+2*frmBorder 0.9+2*frmBorder]; uicontrol( ... 'Style','frame', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',frmPos, ... 'BackgroundColor',[0.50 0.50 0.50]); %==================================== % The START button btnNumber=1; yPos=0.90-(btnNumber-1)*(btnWid+spacing); labelStr='Start'; callbackStr='lorenz_simulation ( ''start'' );'; % Generic button information btnPos=[xPos yPos-spacing btnLen btnWid]; startHndl=uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',btnPos, ... 'String',labelStr, ... 'Interruptible','on', ... 'Callback',callbackStr); %==================================== % The STOP button btnNumber=2; yPos=0.90-(btnNumber-1)*(btnWid+spacing); labelStr='Stop'; % Setting userdata to -1 (=stop) will stop the demo. callbackStr='set(gca,''Userdata'',-1)'; % Generic button information btnPos=[xPos yPos-spacing btnLen btnWid]; stopHndl=uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',btnPos, ... 'Enable','off', ... 'String',labelStr, ... 'Callback',callbackStr); %==================================== % The INFO button labelStr='Info'; callbackStr='lorenz_simulation ( ''info'' )'; infoHndl=uicontrol( ... 'Style','push', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'position',[xPos 0.20 btnLen 0.10], ... 'string',labelStr, ... 'call',callbackStr); %==================================== % The CLOSE button labelStr='Close'; callbackStr='close(gcf)'; closeHndl=uicontrol( ... 'Style','push', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'position',[xPos 0.05 btnLen 0.10], ... 'string',labelStr, ... 'call',callbackStr); % Uncover the figure hndlList=[startHndl stopHndl infoHndl closeHndl]; set(figNumber,'Visible','on', ... 'UserData',hndlList); watchoff(oldFigNumber); figure(figNumber); case 'start' axHndl=gca; figNumber=gcf; hndlList=get(figNumber,'UserData'); startHndl=hndlList(1); stopHndl=hndlList(2); infoHndl=hndlList(3); closeHndl=hndlList(4); set([startHndl closeHndl infoHndl],'Enable','off'); set(stopHndl,'Enable','on'); % ====== Start of Demo set(figNumber,'Backingstore','off'); % The graphics axis limits are set to values known % to contain the solution. set(axHndl, ... 'XLim',[0 40],'YLim',[-35 10],'ZLim',[-10 40], ... 'Userdata',play, ... 'XTick',[],'YTick',[],'ZTick',[], ... 'Drawmode','fast', ... 'Visible','on', ... 'NextPlot','add', ... 'Userdata',play, ... 'View',[-37.5,30]); xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Z'); % The orbit ranges chaotically back and forth around two different points, % or attractors. It is bounded, but not periodic and not convergent. % The numerical integration, and the display of the evolving solution, % are handled by the function ODE23P. FunFcn='lorenzeq'; % % Put the random number generator into a different state. % rand('twister',sum(100*clock)) r = rand ( 1 ); % % These initial condition produce interesting results: % if ( r < 0.05 ) fprintf ( 1, ' Interesting initial condition\n' ); y0 = [20 5 -5]; % % An "arbitrary" initial condition. % elseif ( r < 0.10 ) fprintf ( 1, ' Arbitrary initial condition\n' ); y0(1)=20; y0(2)=4; y0(3)=-5; % % These initial conditions decay rapidly. % elseif ( r < 0.15 ) fprintf ( 1, ' An initial condition with rapid decay.\n' ); y0(1) = 0; y0(2) = 0; y0(3) =10; % % These initial conditions decay to zero. % elseif ( r < 0.20 ) fprintf ( 1, ' An initial condition with straight line decay.\n' ); y0(1) = 10; y0(2) = 0; y0(3) = 0; % % Most of the time, use a random initial condition. % else fprintf ( 1, ' A random initial condition.\n' ); y0(1:3) = rand ( 3, 1 ); y0(1) = 40 * ( 1.0 - y0(1) ); y0(2) = -35 * y0(2) + 10 * ( 1.0 - y0(2) ); y0(3) = -10 * y0(3) + 40 * ( 1.0 - y0(3) ); end fprintf ( 1, ' Y0 = ( %f %f %f\n', y0(1:3) ); t0=0; tfinal=100; pow = 1/3; tol = 0.001; t = t0; hmax = (tfinal - t)/5; hmin = (tfinal - t)/200000; h = (tfinal - t)/100; y = y0(:); % Save L steps and plot like a comet tail. L = 50; Y = y*ones(1,L); cla; head = line( ... 'color','r', ... 'Marker','.', ... 'markersize',25, ... 'erase','xor', ... 'xdata',y(1),'ydata',y(2),'zdata',y(3)); body = line( ... 'color','y', ... 'LineStyle','-', ... 'erase','none', ... 'xdata',[],'ydata',[],'zdata',[]); tail=line( ... 'color','b', ... 'LineStyle','-', ... 'erase','none', ... 'xdata',[],'ydata',[],'zdata',[]); % The main loop while (get(axHndl,'Userdata')==play) && (h >= hmin) if t + h > tfinal, h = tfinal - t; end % Compute the slopes s1 = feval(FunFcn, t, y); s2 = feval(FunFcn, t+h, y+h*s1); s3 = feval(FunFcn, t+h/2, y+h*(s1+s2)/4); % Estimate the error and the acceptable error delta = norm(h*(s1 - 2*s3 + s2)/3,'inf'); tau = tol*max(norm(y,'inf'),1.0); % Update the solution only if the error is acceptable if delta <= tau t = t + h; y = y + h*(s1 + 4*s3 + s2)/6; % Update the plot Y = [y Y(:,1:L-1)]; set(head,'xdata',Y(1,1),'ydata',Y(2,1),'zdata',Y(3,1)) set(body,'xdata',Y(1,1:2),'ydata',Y(2,1:2),'zdata',Y(3,1:2)) set(tail,'xdata',Y(1,L-1:L),'ydata',Y(2,L-1:L),'zdata',Y(3,L-1:L)) drawnow; end % Update the step size if delta ~= 0.0 h = min(hmax, 0.9*h*(tau/delta)^pow); end % Bail out if the figure was closed. if ~ishandle(axHndl) return end end % Main loop ... % ====== End of Demo set([startHndl closeHndl infoHndl],'Enable','on'); set(stopHndl,'Enable','off'); case 'info' helpwin(mfilename); end % if strcmp(action, ... %=============================================================================== function ydot = lorenzeq(t,y) %% LORENZEQ Equation of the Lorenz chaotic attractor. % % ydot = lorenzeq(t,y). % The differential equation is written in almost linear form. global SIGMA RHO BETA A = [ -BETA 0 y(2) 0 -SIGMA SIGMA -y(2) RHO -1 ]; ydot = A*y;