# simple.condor # # Discussion: # # This file can be used to submit a job to the CONDOR queueing system # which will invoke the MATLAB program. # # The "initialdir" switch is not given here. Therefore, we will have to # submit the CONDOR script from the directory where we want work to occur. # # The "universe" is "vanilla", because we are not asking for checkpointing # and special CONDOR features, nor are we interested in MPI. # # The "executable" is MATLAB. We presume that MATLAB is located in # /usr/local/bin/matlab # on whatever machine CONDOR executes this job. # # The "transfer_executable" argument is FALSE because we expect the executable # to already reside on the target machine; CONDOR should not try to copy # it from the machine where we submit the job. # # The "requirements" argument is (HasMATLAB==TRUE) which means we want CONDOR # to try to run our program on a machine that has MATLAB. (These flags are # set up by the local installers of CONDOR, and so vary from site to site.) # # The "log = simple.log" argument means that a log file will be created. # # Similar remarks apply to the "error" and "output" arguments. # # "notification = Never" means we don't want to receive a message that the # job has executed. # # "WhenToTransferOutput=ON_EXIT" means that CONDOR should retrieve output from # the job when it is finished executing, and not before. # # "transfer_input_files = simple_script.m, simple_function.m" indicates that # CONDOR should copy these files from our submit directory to the target machine # before executing the program. # # "arguments = -nodesktop -nosplash < simple_script.m > simple_output.txt" # allows us to specify the input arguments # to the executable. In this case: # "-nodesktop" suppresses the default display of MATLAB's desktop interface; # "-nosplash" suppresses the default display of the MATLAB logo; # "< simple_script.m" indicates that MATLAB should read this file as input. # "> simple_output.txt" indicates that output to the screen should be redirected # to this file. # # The "queue" command causes CONDOR to assemble the information and submit # it to the queue. It is possible to send multiple instances of a single job, # (while varying the input and output filenames) by using a command like # "queue 5", but that is for later discussion. # # Modified: # # 31 March 2011 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # # # Specify the simplest CONDOR environment. # universe = vanilla # # The program to be run is MATLAB, and here's where we expect it to be. # executable = /usr/local/bin/matlab # # CONDOR does not have to copy the executable from our machine. # transfer_executable = FALSE # # The machine must have MATLAB. # requirements = (HasMATLAB==TRUE) # # Name the LOG, ERROR and OUTPUT files. # log = simple.log error = simple.error output = simple.out # # We don't want CONDOR to try to email us on completion of the job. # notification = Never # # Return data when the job is done. # WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT # # Files that must be copied from our machine. # transfer_input_files = simple_script.m, simple_function.m # # The commandline arguments to MATLAB. # arguments = -nodesktop -nosplash < simple_script.m > simple_output.txt # # This command causes CONDOR to submit our job. # queue