#!/bin/sh #PBS -v MDCE_DECODE_FUNCTION,MDCE_STORAGE_LOCATION,MDCE_STORAGE_CONSTRUCTOR,MDCE_JOB_LOCATION,MDCE_CMR,MDCE_MATLAB_EXE,MDCE_MATLAB_ARGS,MDCE_TOTAL_TASKS,MDCE_DEBUG # The previous line ensures that all required environment variables are # forwarded from the client MATLAB session through the scheduler to the cluster. # # This script uses the following environment variables set by the submit M-code: # MDCE_CMR - the value of ClusterMatlabRoot (may be empty) # MDCE_MATLAB_EXE - the MATLAB executable to use # MDCE_MATLAB_ARGS - the MATLAB args to use # # The following environment variables are forwarded through mpiexec: # MDCE_DECODE_FUNCTION - the decode function to use # MDCE_STORAGE_LOCATION - used by decode function # MDCE_STORAGE_CONSTRUCTOR - used by decode function # MDCE_JOB_LOCATION - used by decode function # Copyright 2006-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. # $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/06/29 15:56:26 $ # Create full paths to mw_smpd/mw_mpiexec if needed FULL_SMPD=${MDCE_CMR:+${MDCE_CMR}/bin/}mw_smpd FULL_MPIEXEC=${MDCE_CMR:+${MDCE_CMR}/bin/}mw_mpiexec SMPD_LAUNCHED_HOSTS="" MPIEXEC_CODE=0 # Work out where we need to launch SMPDs given our hosts file - defines # SMPD_HOSTS chooseSmpdHosts() { # We need the PBS_NODEFILE value - the following line either echoes the value, # or aborts. echo Node file: ${PBS_NODEFILE:?"Node file undefined"} # We must launch SMPD on each unique host that this job is to run on. We need # this information as a single line of text, and so we pipe the output of "uniq" # through "tr" to convert newlines to spaces SMPD_HOSTS=`sort ${PBS_NODEFILE} | uniq | tr '\n' ' '` } # Work out which port to use for SMPD chooseSmpdPort() { # Choose unique port for SMPD to run on. PBS_JOBID is something like # 15.pbs-server-host.domain.com, so we extract the numeric part of that # using sed. JOB_NUM=`echo ${PBS_JOBID:?"PBS_JOBID undefined"} | sed 's#^\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$#\1#'` # Base smpd_port on the numeric part of the above SMPD_PORT=`expr $JOB_NUM % 10000 + 20000` } # Work out how many processes to launch - set MACHINE_ARG chooseMachineArg() { MACHINE_ARG="-n ${MDCE_TOTAL_TASKS} -machinefile ${PBS_NODEFILE}" } # Now that we have launched the SMPDs, we must install a trap to ensure that # they are closed either in the case of normal exit, or job cancellation: # Default value of the return code cleanupAndExit() { echo "" echo "Stopping SMPD on ${SMPD_LAUNCHED_HOSTS} ..." for host in ${SMPD_LAUNCHED_HOSTS} do echo ssh $host \"${FULL_SMPD}\" -shutdown -phrase MATLAB -port ${SMPD_PORT} ssh $host \"${FULL_SMPD}\" -shutdown -phrase MATLAB -port ${SMPD_PORT} done echo "Exiting with code: ${MPIEXEC_CODE}" exit ${MPIEXEC_CODE} } # Use ssh to launch the SMPD daemons on each processor launchSmpds() { # Launch the SMPD processes on all hosts using SSH echo "Starting SMPD on ${SMPD_HOSTS} ..." for host in ${SMPD_HOSTS} do # This script assumes that SSH is set up to work without passwords between # all nodes on the cluster echo ssh $host \"${FULL_SMPD}\" -s -phrase MATLAB -port ${SMPD_PORT} ssh $host \"${FULL_SMPD}\" -s -phrase MATLAB -port ${SMPD_PORT} ssh_return=${?} if [ ${ssh_return} -ne 0 ] then echo "Launching smpd failed for node: ${host}" exit 1 else SMPD_LAUNCHED_HOSTS="${SMPD_LAUNCHED_HOSTS} ${host}" fi done echo "All SMPDs launched" } runMpiexec() { # As a debug stage: echo the command line... echo \"${FULL_MPIEXEC}\" -phrase MATLAB -port ${SMPD_PORT} \ -l ${MACHINE_ARG} -genvlist \ MDCE_DECODE_FUNCTION,MDCE_STORAGE_LOCATION,MDCE_STORAGE_CONSTRUCTOR,MDCE_JOB_LOCATION \ \"${MDCE_MATLAB_EXE}\" ${MDCE_MATLAB_ARGS} # ...and then execute it eval \"${FULL_MPIEXEC}\" -phrase MATLAB -port ${SMPD_PORT} \ -l ${MACHINE_ARG} -genvlist \ MDCE_DECODE_FUNCTION,MDCE_STORAGE_LOCATION,MDCE_STORAGE_CONSTRUCTOR,MDCE_JOB_LOCATION \ \"${MDCE_MATLAB_EXE}\" ${MDCE_MATLAB_ARGS} MPIEXEC_CODE=${?} } # Define the order in which we execute the stages defined above MAIN() { trap "cleanupAndExit" 0 1 2 15 chooseSmpdHosts chooseSmpdPort launchSmpds chooseMachineArg runMpiexec exit ${MPIEXEC_CODE} } # Call the MAIN loop MAIN