Matrix Market File to MATLAB Sparse Matrix

MM_TO_MSM is a MATLAB library which reads the information stored in a Matrix Market file, and sets it up as a MATLAB sparse matrix.

Related Data and Programs:

DLAP, a data directory which contains examples of DLAP files, a sparse matrix file format used by DLAP;

DLAP_IO, a FORTRAN90 library which reads and writes DLAP sparse matrix files;

HB, a data directory which contains examples of HB files, the Harwell Boeing sparse matrix file format;

HB_IO, a MATLAB library which reads and writes sparse linear systems stored in the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix format.

HB_TO_MSM, a MATLAB program which reads an HB file and converts the matrix to MATLAB's sparse matrix format.

HBSMC, a dataset directory which contains sparse matrices stored in the Harwell-Boeing format.

MM, a data directory which describes a file format for storing large sparse matrices in files, as well as a web site where many such files can be found.

MM_IO, a MATLAB library which reads and writes sparse linear systems stored in the Matrix Market format.

MM_TO_HB, a MATLAB program which reads the sparse matrix information from an MM Matrix Market file and writes a corresponding HB Harwell Boeing file.

MM_TO_ST, a MATLAB program which reads the sparse matrix information from an MM Matrix Market file and writes a corresponding ST Sparse Triplet file.

MSM_TO_MM, a MATLAB program which writes a MATLAB sparse matrix to a Matrix Market file;

ST_TO_MSM, a MATLAB program which reads an ST sparse triplet file and creates a corresponding MATLAB Sparse Matrix.

TEST_MAT, a MATLAB library which defines test matrices.

TEST_MATRIX, a MATLAB library which contains Nick Higham's collection of test matrices.


  1. Ronald Boisvert, Roldan Pozo, Karin Remington,
    The Matrix Market Exchange Formats: Initial Design,
    National Institute of Standards and Technology,
    NISTIR 5935, December 1996,
    Available online at ../../pdf/mm_format.pdf
  2., the Matrix Market web site.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.

Last revised on 31 October 2008.