function yi = nearest_interp_1d ( nd, xd, yd, ni, xi ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% NEAREST_INTERP_1D evaluates the nearest neighbor interpolant. % % Discussion: % % The nearest neighbor interpolant L(ND,XD,YD)(X) is the piecewise % constant function which interpolates the data (XD(I),YD(I)) for I = 1 % to ND. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 20 August 2012 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer ND, the number of data points. % ND must be at least 1. % % Input, real XD(ND,1), the data points. % % Input, real YD(ND,1), the data values. % % Input, integer NI, the number of interpolation points. % % Input, real XI(NI,1), the interpolation points. % % Output, real YI(NI,1), the interpolated values. % % % KNNSEARCH is a built-in Matlab function which, with this call, returns % the indices in XD of the nearest elements to the elements in XI. % idx = knnsearch ( xd, xi ); yi = yd(idx); return end