normal_test 17-Jul-2006 10:25:32 NORMAL_TEST Test the MATLAB NORMAL routines. TEST01 C4_NORMAL_01 computes pseudorandom complex values normally distributed in the unit circle. The initial seed is 123456789 1 ( 1.679040, -0.472769) 2 ( -0.566060, -0.231124) 3 ( 1.212934, 0.535037) 4 ( 1.269381, 1.049543) 5 ( -1.666086, -1.865228) 6 ( -2.242464, 0.735810) 7 ( 0.039675, -1.350736) 8 ( 0.673068, 0.007775) 9 ( -0.275127, 0.374940) 10 ( 2.164005, 0.185600) TEST02 R8_NORMAL computes pseudonormal values with mean A and standard deviation B. The mean A = 10.000000 The standard deviation B = 2.000000 The initial seed is 123456789 1 13.358081 2 9.054462 3 13.358081 4 9.054462 5 13.358081 6 9.054462 7 13.358081 8 9.054462 9 13.358081 10 9.054462 TEST03 R8_NORMAL_01 computes a sequence of normally distributed pseudorandom numbers. The initial seed is 123456789 1 0.218418 2 0.956318 3 0.829509 4 0.561695 5 0.415307 6 0.066119 7 0.257578 8 0.109957 9 0.043829 10 0.633966 UNIFORM_TEST04 R8_NORMAL_01 computes normally distributed pseudorandom numbers. Initial SEED = 12345 First 10 values: I Input Output R8_NORMAL_01 SEED SEED 1 12345 207482415 1.088743 2 207482415 1790989824 -1.867793 3 1790989824 2035175616 0.319471 4 2035175616 77048696 0.073264 5 77048696 24794531 2.834141 6 24794531 109854999 0.943666 7 109854999 1644515420 -0.628978 8 1644515420 1256127050 -0.371602 9 1256127050 1963079340 0.089319 10 1963079340 1683198519 -0.414231 Now call R8_NORMAL_01 1000 times. Average value = -0.027474 Expecting 0.000000 Variance = 0.991456 Expecting 1.000000 TEST05 R8_NORMAL_01 gets pseudeonormal values one at a time. R8MAT_NORMAL_01 computes a matrix of values. For the same seed, the results should be identical, but R8MAT_NORMAL_01 might be faster. Initial seed is 123456789 I J A(I,J) B(I,J) (R8_NORMAL_01) (R8MAT_NORMAL_01) 1 1 1.679040 1.679040 10 1 -1.865228 -1.865228 20 2 -0.275993 -0.275993 30 3 0.620309 0.620309 40 4 -0.384676 -0.384676 50 5 -2.869798 -2.869798 60 6 0.971005 0.971005 70 7 -0.287301 -0.287301 80 8 -1.905933 -1.905933 90 9 -0.827487 -0.827487 100 10 -1.108490 -1.108490 TEST06 R8_NORMAL_01 gets pseudeonormal values one at a time. R8VEC_NORMAL_01 computes a vector of values. For the same seed, the results should be identical, but R8VEC_NORMAL_01 might be faster. Initial seed is 123456789 I A(I) B(I) (R8_NORMAL_01) (R8VEC_NORMAL_01) 1 1.679040 1.679040 2 -0.472769 -0.472769 3 -0.566060 -0.566060 4 -0.231124 -0.231124 5 1.212934 1.212934 6 0.535037 0.535037 7 1.269381 1.269381 8 1.049543 1.049543 9 -1.666087 -1.666087 10 -1.865228 -1.865228 TEST065 I4_NORMAL computes pseudonormal integer values with mean A and standard deviation B. The mean A = 70.000000 The standard deviation B = 10.000000 The initial seed is 123456789 1 87 2 65 3 87 4 65 5 87 6 65 7 87 8 65 9 87 10 65 TEST07 R4_NORMAL computes pseudonormal values with mean A and standard deviation B. The mean A = 10.000000 The standard deviation B = 2.000000 The initial seed is 123456789 1 13.358081 2 9.054463 3 13.358081 4 9.054463 5 13.358081 6 9.054463 7 13.358081 8 9.054463 9 13.358081 10 9.054463 TEST08 R4_NORMAL_01 computes a sequence of normally distributed pseudorandom numbers. The initial seed is 123456789 1 0.218418 2 0.956318 3 0.829509 4 0.561695 5 0.415307 6 0.066119 7 0.257578 8 0.109957 9 0.043829 10 0.633966 TEST09 C8_NORMAL_01 computes pseudorandom complex values normally distributed in the unit circle. The initial seed is 123456789 1 ( 1.679040, -0.472769) 2 ( -0.566060, -0.231124) 3 ( 1.212934, 0.535037) 4 ( 1.269381, 1.049543) 5 ( -1.666087, -1.865228) 6 ( -2.242464, 0.735809) 7 ( 0.039675, -1.350736) 8 ( 0.673068, 0.007775) 9 ( -0.275127, 0.374940) 10 ( 2.164005, 0.185600) NORMAL_TEST: Normal end of execution. 17-Jul-2006 10:25:36