function graphics ( it, x, q, q_hat_plot, u, u_hat_plot ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% GRAPHICS displays the computed and optimal functions. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 21 November 2011 % % Author: % % Jeff Borggaard, John Burkardt, Catalin Trenchea, Clayton Webster % % Parameters: % % Input, integer IT, the iteration number. % % Input, real X(*), the node coordinates. % % Input, real Q(*), the computed control at each node. % % Input, real Q_HAT_PLOT(*), the optimal control at each node. % % Input, real U(*), the computed BVP solution at each node. % % Input, real U_HAT_PLOT(*), the optimal BVP solution at each node. % figure ( 1 ) clf hold on plot ( x, u ) plot ( x, u_hat_plot, 'r+' ) grid title ( sprintf ( ' Target function U\\_hat (red), computed U (blue), iteration %d', it ) ) hold off figure ( 2 ) clf hold on plot ( x, q ) plot ( x, q_hat_plot, 'r+' ) grid title ( sprintf ( ' Optimal control Q\\_hat (red), computed Q (blue), iteration %d', it ) ) hold off return end