function fx = r8btree_interp ( node_num, tree, data_num, tree_data, int_num, ... x, level ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% R8BTREE_INTERP_LEVEL interpolates data using an R8BTREE. % % Discussion: % % This function is a version of R8BTREE which restricts the search in % the BTREE to no more than LEVEL levels. Setting LEVEL to 0 % means that only the primary node of the BTREE will be considered, % which will use a piecewise constant interpolant. Level 1 % allows the two nodes of the first level to be included in the search, % and so on. % % A BTREE has been set up, containing pairs of data values X, FX. % % Now we are given a set of points X, and we wish to perform interpolation. % If the interpolation point is bracketed by a pair of data values, % we use linear interpolation. If it falls to the left or right of all % the data values, we simply use the function value at the nearest % data value. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 01 December 2009 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer NODE_NUM, the number of nodes in the tree. % % Input, integer TREE(4,NODE_NUM). % TREE(1,I), the index in TREE_DATA(1,*) of the coordinate of node I. % TREE(2,I), the left child of node I. % TREE(3,I), the right child of node I. % TREE(4,I), the parent of node I. % % Input, integer DATA_NUM, the number of data items per node. % % Input, real TREE_DATA(DATA_NUM,NODE_NUM), node data. % % Input, integer INT_NUM, the number of interpolation points. % % Input, real X(INT_NUM), the interpolation points. % % Input, integer LEVEL, the maximum level to search. % 0 <= LEVEL. % % Output, real FX(INT_NUM), the interpolated values. % fx = zeros ( 1, int_num ); % % Later, move vector into subroutine! % for i = 1 : int_num [ l, r ] = r8btree_bracket_level ( node_num, tree, data_num, tree_data, ... x(i), level ); if ( l <= 0 ) fr = tree_data(2,r); fx(i) = fr; elseif ( r <= 0 ) fl = tree_data(2,l); fx(i) = fl; elseif ( r == l ) fl = tree_data(2,l); fx(i) = fl; else xr = tree_data(1,r); fr = tree_data(2,r); xl = tree_data(1,l); fl = tree_data(2,l); fx(i) = ( ( xr - x(i) ) * fl ... + ( x(i) - xl ) * fr ) ... / ( xr - xl ); end end return end