>> cd point_merge >> point_merge_test 28-Jul-2010 10:47:32 POINT_MERGE_TEST MATLAB version Test the routines in the POINT_MERGE library. POINT_MERGE_TEST01 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_UNIQUE_COUNT, POINT_RADIAL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10 SEED = 123456789 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257578 0.109957 0.043829 2: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 3: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 4: 0.001838 0.897504 0.350752 5: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 6: 0.094545 0.013617 0.859097 7: 0.401306 0.754673 0.797287 8: 0.633966 0.061727 0.449539 9: 0.561695 0.415307 0.066119 10: 0.001838 0.897504 0.350752 N_UNIQUE = 7 POINT_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 POINT_RADIAL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 POINT_MERGE_TEST01 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_UNIQUE_COUNT, POINT_RADIAL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 4 N = 20 SEED = 987654321 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row: 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 2: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 3: 0.205385 0.899631 0.095244 0.770561 4: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 5: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 6: 0.205385 0.899631 0.095244 0.770561 7: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 8: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 9: 0.251803 0.057531 0.920553 0.737443 10: 0.117362 0.499583 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 12: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 13: 0.327093 0.447774 0.729419 0.353082 14: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 15: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 16: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 17: 0.464300 0.483962 0.945337 0.271059 18: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 19: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 20: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 N_UNIQUE = 11 POINT_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 POINT_RADIAL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 POINT_MERGE_TEST02 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 123456789 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257578 0.109957 0.043829 2: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 3: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 4: 0.001838 0.897504 0.350752 5: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 6: 0.094545 0.013617 0.859097 7: 0.401306 0.754673 0.797287 8: 0.633966 0.061727 0.449539 9: 0.561695 0.415307 0.066119 10: 0.001838 0.897504 0.350752 Blurred matrix: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257582 0.109959 0.043830 2: 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 3: 0.218421 0.956320 0.829513 4: 0.001841 0.897505 0.350757 5: 0.218419 0.956319 0.829514 6: 0.094549 0.013617 0.859100 7: 0.401307 0.754677 0.797290 8: 0.633967 0.061731 0.449542 9: 0.561698 0.415309 0.066122 10: 0.001842 0.897504 0.350756 N_UNIQUE = 7 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 7 POINT_MERGE_TEST02 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 4 N = 20 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 987654321 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row: 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 2: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 3: 0.205385 0.899631 0.095244 0.770561 4: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 5: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 6: 0.205385 0.899631 0.095244 0.770561 7: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 8: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 9: 0.251803 0.057531 0.920553 0.737443 10: 0.117362 0.499583 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 12: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 13: 0.327093 0.447774 0.729419 0.353082 14: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 15: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 16: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 17: 0.464300 0.483962 0.945337 0.271059 18: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 19: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 20: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 Blurred matrix: Row: 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697927 0.042231 0.737001 0.698302 2: 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 3: 0.205388 0.899634 0.095244 0.770562 4: 0.220380 0.875305 0.207101 0.710518 5: 0.697929 0.042231 0.736997 0.698303 6: 0.205388 0.899634 0.095245 0.770563 7: 0.220378 0.875305 0.207103 0.710516 8: 0.747420 0.834384 0.436523 0.621417 9: 0.251803 0.057533 0.920555 0.737447 10: 0.117365 0.499587 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818279 0.779169 0.441586 0.672432 12: 0.689141 0.348540 0.859453 0.782009 13: 0.327095 0.447776 0.729422 0.353085 14: 0.630149 0.907735 0.285625 0.434031 15: 0.818279 0.779167 0.441587 0.672433 16: 0.689139 0.348539 0.859455 0.782010 17: 0.464301 0.483964 0.945340 0.271061 18: 0.747419 0.834383 0.436523 0.621418 19: 0.697927 0.042229 0.737000 0.698303 20: 0.630151 0.907737 0.285624 0.434028 N_UNIQUE = 11 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 11 POINT_MERGE_TEST03 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 100 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 50 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 50 CPU_TIME = 0.003363 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 50 CPU_TIME = 0.031621 POINT_MERGE_TEST03 To count the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 1000 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 500 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 500 CPU_TIME = 0.029317 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT = 500 CPU_TIME = 2.709832 POINT_MERGE_TEST04 To index the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 123456789 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257578 0.109957 0.043829 2: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 3: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 4: 0.001838 0.897504 0.350752 5: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 6: 0.094545 0.013617 0.859097 7: 0.401306 0.754673 0.797287 8: 0.633966 0.061727 0.449539 9: 0.561695 0.415307 0.066119 10: 0.001838 0.897504 0.350752 Blurred matrix: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1: 0.257582 0.109959 0.043830 2: 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 3: 0.218421 0.956320 0.829513 4: 0.001841 0.897505 0.350757 5: 0.218419 0.956319 0.829514 6: 0.094549 0.013617 0.859100 7: 0.401307 0.754677 0.797290 8: 0.633967 0.061731 0.449542 9: 0.561698 0.415309 0.066122 10: 0.001842 0.897504 0.350756 N_UNIQUE = 7 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 7 UNDX: 1: 10 2: 7 3: 2 4: 9 5: 1 6: 8 7: 6 XDNU: 1: 5 2: 3 3: 3 4: 1 5: 3 6: 7 7: 2 8: 6 9: 4 10: 1 List of nonunique points P(J), represented by point with index I(J). J, P(J) I(J), P(I(J)) || P(J) - P(I(J)) || (should be <= TOL) 3 0.218421 0.956320 0.829513 2 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 0.000003 4 0.001841 0.897505 0.350757 10 0.001842 0.897504 0.350756 0.000002 5 0.218419 0.956319 0.829514 2 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 0.000005 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 7 List of nonunique points P(J), represented by point with index I(J). J, P(J) I(J), P(I(J)) || P(J) - P(I(J)) || (should be <= TOL) 3 0.218421 0.956320 0.829513 2 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 0.000003 5 0.218419 0.956319 0.829514 2 0.218423 0.956320 0.829510 0.000005 10 0.001842 0.897504 0.350756 4 0.001841 0.897505 0.350757 0.000002 POINT_MERGE_TEST04 To index the unique columns in an R8COL, we call POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 4 N = 20 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 987654321 Matrix with N_UNIQUE unique columns: Row: 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 2: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 3: 0.205385 0.899631 0.095244 0.770561 4: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 5: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 6: 0.205385 0.899631 0.095244 0.770561 7: 0.220377 0.875302 0.207099 0.710515 8: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 9: 0.251803 0.057531 0.920553 0.737443 10: 0.117362 0.499583 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 12: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 13: 0.327093 0.447774 0.729419 0.353082 14: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 15: 0.818277 0.779166 0.441582 0.672432 16: 0.689138 0.348537 0.859450 0.782009 17: 0.464300 0.483962 0.945337 0.271059 18: 0.747417 0.834381 0.436522 0.621415 19: 0.697926 0.042229 0.736996 0.698300 20: 0.630149 0.907734 0.285621 0.434027 Blurred matrix: Row: 1 2 3 4 Col 1: 0.697927 0.042231 0.737001 0.698302 2: 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 3: 0.205388 0.899634 0.095244 0.770562 4: 0.220380 0.875305 0.207101 0.710518 5: 0.697929 0.042231 0.736997 0.698303 6: 0.205388 0.899634 0.095245 0.770563 7: 0.220378 0.875305 0.207103 0.710516 8: 0.747420 0.834384 0.436523 0.621417 9: 0.251803 0.057533 0.920555 0.737447 10: 0.117365 0.499587 0.484024 0.989437 11: 0.818279 0.779169 0.441586 0.672432 12: 0.689141 0.348540 0.859453 0.782009 13: 0.327095 0.447776 0.729422 0.353085 14: 0.630149 0.907735 0.285625 0.434031 15: 0.818279 0.779167 0.441587 0.672433 16: 0.689139 0.348539 0.859455 0.782010 17: 0.464301 0.483964 0.945340 0.271061 18: 0.747419 0.834383 0.436523 0.621418 19: 0.697927 0.042229 0.737000 0.698303 20: 0.630151 0.907737 0.285624 0.434028 N_UNIQUE = 11 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 11 UNDX: 1: 18 2: 15 3: 13 4: 14 5: 2 6: 12 7: 10 8: 3 9: 17 10: 5 11: 9 XDNU: 1: 10 2: 5 3: 8 4: 5 5: 10 6: 8 7: 5 8: 1 9: 11 10: 7 11: 2 12: 6 13: 3 14: 4 15: 2 16: 6 17: 9 18: 1 19: 10 20: 4 List of nonunique points P(J), represented by point with index I(J). J, P(J) I(J), P(I(J)) || P(J) - P(I(J)) || (should be <= TOL) 1 0.697927 0.042231 0.737001 0.698302 5 0.697929 0.042231 0.736997 0.698303 0.000004 4 0.220380 0.875305 0.207101 0.710518 2 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 0.000001 6 0.205388 0.899634 0.095245 0.770563 3 0.205388 0.899634 0.095244 0.770562 0.000001 7 0.220378 0.875305 0.207103 0.710516 2 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 0.000003 8 0.747420 0.834384 0.436523 0.621417 18 0.747419 0.834383 0.436523 0.621418 0.000001 11 0.818279 0.779169 0.441586 0.672432 15 0.818279 0.779167 0.441587 0.672433 0.000002 16 0.689139 0.348539 0.859455 0.782010 12 0.689141 0.348540 0.859453 0.782009 0.000003 19 0.697927 0.042229 0.737000 0.698303 5 0.697929 0.042231 0.736997 0.698303 0.000004 20 0.630151 0.907737 0.285624 0.434028 14 0.630149 0.907735 0.285625 0.434031 0.000004 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 11 List of nonunique points P(J), represented by point with index I(J). J, P(J) I(J), P(I(J)) || P(J) - P(I(J)) || (should be <= TOL) 4 0.220380 0.875305 0.207101 0.710518 2 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 0.000001 5 0.697929 0.042231 0.736997 0.698303 1 0.697927 0.042231 0.737001 0.698302 0.000004 6 0.205388 0.899634 0.095245 0.770563 3 0.205388 0.899634 0.095244 0.770562 0.000001 7 0.220378 0.875305 0.207103 0.710516 2 0.220380 0.875304 0.207101 0.710517 0.000003 15 0.818279 0.779167 0.441587 0.672433 11 0.818279 0.779169 0.441586 0.672432 0.000002 16 0.689139 0.348539 0.859455 0.782010 12 0.689141 0.348540 0.859453 0.782009 0.000003 18 0.747419 0.834383 0.436523 0.621418 8 0.747420 0.834384 0.436523 0.621417 0.000001 19 0.697927 0.042229 0.737000 0.698303 1 0.697927 0.042231 0.737001 0.698302 0.000002 20 0.630151 0.907737 0.285624 0.434028 14 0.630149 0.907735 0.285625 0.434031 0.000004 POINT_MERGE_TEST05 We time the computations in TEST04, calling POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 100 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 50 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 50 Time = 0.003314 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 50 Time = 0.030648 POINT_MERGE_TEST05 We time the computations in TEST04, calling POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 1000 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 500 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 500 Time = 0.029565 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 500 Time = 2.696252 POINT_MERGE_TEST05 We time the computations in TEST04, calling POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with random center) POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_COUNT, (with zero tolerance) M = 3 N = 10000 TOL = 0.000010 SEED = 123456789 N_UNIQUE = 5000 POINT_RADIAL_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 5000 Time = 0.713689 POINT_TOL_UNIQUE_INDEX Unique_num = 5000 Time = 283.025614 POINT_MERGE_TEST Normal end of execution. 28-Jul-2010 10:52:29 >>