function pdf = fisher_pdf ( x, kappa, mu ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% FISHER_PDF evaluates the Fisher PDF. % % Discussion: % % The formulat for the PDF is: % % PDF(KAPPA,MU;X) = C(KAPPA) * exp ( KAPPA * MU' * X ) % % where: % % 0 <= KAPPA is the concentration parameter, % MU is a point on the unit sphere, the mean direction, % X is any point on the unit sphere, % and C(KAPPA) is a normalization factor: % % C(KAPPA) = sqrt ( KAPPA ) / ( ( 2 * pi )**(3/2) * I(0.5,KAPPA) ) % % where % % I(nu,X) is the Bessel function of order NU and argument X. % % For a fixed value of MU, the value of KAPPA determines the % tendency of sample points to tend to be near MU. In particular, % KAPPA = 0 corresponds to a uniform distribution of points on the % sphere, but as KAPPA increases, the sample points will tend to % cluster more closely to MU. % % The Fisher distribution for points on the unit sphere is % analogous to the normal distribution of points on a line, % and, more precisely, to the von Mises distribution on a circle. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 03 September 2008 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Kanti Mardia, Peter Jupp, % Directional Statistics, % Wiley, 2000, % LC: QA276.M335 % % Parameters: % % Input, real X(3), the argument of the PDF. % X should have unit Euclidean norm, but this routine will % automatically work with a normalized version of X. % % Input, real KAPPA, the concentration parameter. % 0 <= KAPPA is required. % % Input, real MU(3), the mean direction. % MU should have unit Euclidean norm, but this routine will % automatically work with a normalized version of MU. % % Output, real PDF, the value of the PDF. % % % Force column-vector shape. % x = x ( : ); mu = mu ( : ); nb = 1; if ( kappa < 0.0 ) fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, 'FISHER_PDF - Fatal error!\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' KAPPA must be nonnegative.\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Input KAPPA = %f\n', kappa ); error ( 'FISHER_PDF - Fatal error!' ); end if ( kappa == 0.0 ) pdf = 1.0 / ( 4.0 * pi ); return; end alpha = 0.5; ize = 1; [ b, ncalc ] = ribesl ( kappa, alpha, nb, ize ); cf = sqrt ( kappa ) / ( sqrt ( ( 2.0 * pi )^3 ) * b(1) ); mu_norm = norm ( mu ); if ( mu_norm == 0.0 ) pdf = cf; return end x_norm = norm ( x ); if ( x_norm == 0.0 ) pdf = cf; return end arg = kappa * ( x(1:3)' * mu(1:3) ) / ( x_norm * mu_norm ); pdf = cf * exp ( arg ); return end