>> pwl_interp_2d_scattered_test 26-Oct-2012 09:38:57 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST: MATLAB version Test PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED. The R8LIB library is needed. This test also needs the TEST_INTERP_2D library. PWL_INTERP_2D_TEST01 R8TRIS2 computes the Delaunay triangulation of a set of nodes in 2D. TRIANGULATION_ORDER3_PRINT Information defining a triangulation. The number of nodes is 9 Nodes: Row: 1 2 Col 1: 0.000000 0.000000 2: 0.000000 1.000000 3: 0.200000 0.500000 4: 0.300000 0.600000 5: 0.400000 0.500000 6: 0.600000 0.400000 7: 0.600000 0.500000 8: 1.000000 0.000000 9: 1.000000 1.000000 The number of triangles is 12 Sets of three points are used as vertices of the triangles. For each triangle, the points are listed in counterclockwise order. Triangle nodes: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 5 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 5 5 6 7 5 6 5 1 6 7 7 4 5 8 9 4 7 9 6 1 8 10 7 6 8 11 7 8 9 12 2 4 9 On each side of a given triangle, there is either another triangle, or a piece of the convex hull. For each triangle, we list the indices of the three neighbors, or (if negative) the codes of the segments of the convex hull. Triangle neighbors Row: 1 2 3 Col 1 -28 2 3 2 1 6 4 3 1 4 12 4 3 2 7 5 10 7 6 6 2 9 5 7 8 4 5 8 12 7 11 9 6 -34 10 10 5 9 11 11 10 -38 8 12 3 8 -3 The number of boundary points is 4 The segments that make up the convex hull can be determined from the negative entries of the triangle neighbor list. # Tri Side N1 N2 1 9 2 1 8 2 11 2 8 9 3 12 3 9 2 4 1 1 2 1 TEST02 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 0.000000 0.250000 0.500000 0.500000 3 0.000000 0.500000 1.000000 1.000000 4 0.000000 0.750000 1.500000 1.500000 5 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 6 0.250000 0.000000 0.250000 0.250000 7 0.250000 0.250000 0.750000 0.750000 8 0.250000 0.500000 1.250000 1.250000 9 0.250000 0.750000 1.750000 1.750000 10 0.250000 1.000000 2.250000 2.250000 11 0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 0.500000 12 0.500000 0.250000 1.000000 1.000000 13 0.500000 0.500000 1.500000 1.500000 14 0.500000 0.750000 2.000000 2.000000 15 0.500000 1.000000 2.500000 2.500000 16 0.750000 0.000000 0.750000 0.750000 17 0.750000 0.250000 1.250000 1.250000 18 0.750000 0.500000 1.750000 1.750000 19 0.750000 0.750000 2.250000 2.250000 20 0.750000 1.000000 2.750000 2.750000 21 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 22 1.000000 0.250000 1.500000 1.500000 23 1.000000 0.500000 2.000000 2.000000 24 1.000000 0.750000 2.500000 2.500000 25 1.000000 1.000000 3.000000 3.000000 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 1 RMS error is 0.0646687 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.985715 0.985739 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.895672 0.971628 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.565345 0.518177 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.371424 0.341203 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.261772 0.280498 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.925780 0.960998 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.938503 0.983607 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.648487 0.469049 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.371602 0.257567 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.179397 0.217369 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.547578 0.485502 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.609005 0.520980 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.452511 0.325762 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.217833 0.107956 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.137999 0.116557 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.388626 0.361365 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.580579 0.613637 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.412738 0.399430 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.161908 0.150339 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.102114 0.102114 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.284776 0.237177 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.435994 0.456915 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.284558 0.290384 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.107884 0.090971 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.058301 0.056259 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 2 RMS error is 0.02106 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.114653 0.111111 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.196091 0.216312 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.212082 0.222056 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.220193 0.222218 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.222216 0.222222 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.031870 0.005910 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.121983 0.111111 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.178055 0.216312 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.204809 0.222056 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.222200 0.222218 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.007925 0.000166 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.059500 0.005910 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.138291 0.111111 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.179391 0.216312 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.221643 0.222056 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.000010 0.000005 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.000215 0.000166 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.055638 0.005910 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.108278 0.111111 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.216312 0.216312 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.000002 0.000000 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.000009 0.000005 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.002862 0.000166 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.020628 0.005910 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.094649 0.111111 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 3 RMS error is 0.0338932 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.231056 0.235762 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.139424 0.134319 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.069470 0.038694 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.070717 0.049995 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.139628 0.156272 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.292646 0.347807 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.188885 0.198154 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.157528 0.057084 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.161584 0.073755 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.189929 0.230541 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.250695 0.281028 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.146144 0.160109 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.087612 0.046124 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.090782 0.059594 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.176168 0.186277 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.163027 0.158952 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.095993 0.090559 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.044480 0.026088 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.036851 0.033707 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.105360 0.105360 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.087110 0.090305 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.049073 0.051449 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.021064 0.014821 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.027181 0.019150 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.063192 0.059858 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 4 RMS error is 0.0243678 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.070014 0.065966 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.114752 0.121103 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.135393 0.148286 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.113531 0.121103 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.076629 0.065966 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.111165 0.121103 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.215653 0.222326 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.213759 0.272229 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.174875 0.222326 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.124497 0.121103 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.142782 0.148286 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.237086 0.272229 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.263004 0.333333 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.239624 0.272229 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.141121 0.148286 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.116482 0.121103 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.214506 0.222326 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.239806 0.272229 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.220468 0.222326 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.121103 0.121103 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.076573 0.065966 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.122401 0.121103 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.145005 0.148286 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.115038 0.121103 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.066778 0.065966 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 5 RMS error is 0.0467811 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.001077 0.000511 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.006250 0.005807 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.018776 0.013055 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.006701 0.005807 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.004682 0.000511 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.005849 0.005807 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.069512 0.065966 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.069292 0.148286 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.036319 0.065966 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.012076 0.005807 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.026325 0.013055 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.086523 0.148286 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.134434 0.333333 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.116602 0.148286 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.012487 0.013055 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.006801 0.005807 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.059428 0.065966 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.096464 0.148286 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.076791 0.065966 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.005807 0.005807 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.003266 0.000511 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.007452 0.005807 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.021086 0.013055 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.009232 0.005807 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.001334 0.000511 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 6 RMS error is 0.0180806 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.174629 0.185655 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.256546 0.268195 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.276174 0.293803 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.257961 0.268195 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.152617 0.185655 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.253097 0.268195 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.336366 0.342688 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.334330 0.366097 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.309426 0.342688 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.241181 0.268195 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.276637 0.293803 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.350058 0.366097 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.361702 0.388889 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.347042 0.366097 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.285614 0.293803 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.260174 0.268195 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.337943 0.342688 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.350714 0.366097 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.337986 0.342688 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.268195 0.268195 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.159405 0.185655 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.257313 0.268195 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.281322 0.293803 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.254542 0.268195 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.176782 0.185655 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 7 RMS error is 0.791415 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.488247 1.009131 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.063215 0.448015 3 0.100000 0.500000 -0.317995 -0.556792 4 0.100000 0.700000 1.292598 1.354160 5 0.100000 0.900000 -0.370231 1.228664 6 0.300000 0.100000 -0.494301 -1.370580 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.829359 0.503911 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.847388 2.896151 9 0.300000 0.700000 -0.105387 -0.437614 10 0.300000 0.900000 -1.273066 -0.388609 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.532046 0.956813 12 0.500000 0.300000 1.850940 1.077556 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.640226 0.054451 14 0.500000 0.700000 -0.524298 0.021941 15 0.500000 0.900000 -0.766382 -0.743725 16 0.700000 0.100000 1.236086 1.912991 17 0.700000 0.300000 1.093279 1.075991 18 0.700000 0.500000 -0.108921 -1.796654 19 0.700000 0.700000 -0.209167 0.008155 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.638208 0.638208 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.307289 -0.750052 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.482362 0.170222 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.184490 0.769880 24 0.900000 0.700000 -0.626393 -1.180387 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.084038 0.218903 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 8 RMS error is 0.432271 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.003831 0.000587 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.255942 0.101871 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.485336 0.750587 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.123707 0.101871 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.076808 0.000587 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.305624 0.135621 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.316419 0.250573 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.366885 0.986837 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.307027 0.250573 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.351219 0.135621 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.781980 1.000503 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.590999 1.203003 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.760116 2.500000 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.741526 1.203003 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.661158 1.000503 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.220266 0.135621 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.379462 0.250573 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.501433 0.986837 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.348018 0.250573 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.135621 0.135621 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.020428 0.000587 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.183789 0.101871 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.567782 0.750587 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.228663 0.101871 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.027358 0.000587 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 9 RMS error is 16.7099 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 1.603434 1.026501 2 0.100000 0.300000 4.634750 5.762956 3 0.100000 0.500000 5.966026 0.000000 4 0.100000 0.700000 -4.193681 -8.541815 5 0.100000 0.900000 -6.163066 -1.865136 6 0.300000 0.100000 4.536512 5.762956 7 0.300000 0.300000 26.663655 32.354234 8 0.300000 0.500000 20.760022 0.000000 9 0.300000 0.700000 -2.498188 -47.955228 10 0.300000 0.900000 -13.595623 -10.471194 11 0.500000 0.100000 -8.665490 0.000000 12 0.500000 0.300000 -5.014848 0.000000 13 0.500000 0.500000 48.030562 0.000000 14 0.500000 0.700000 39.854459 -0.000000 15 0.500000 0.900000 1.160142 -0.000000 16 0.700000 0.100000 -8.401112 -8.541815 17 0.700000 0.300000 -38.362145 -47.955228 18 0.700000 0.500000 15.201547 -0.000000 19 0.700000 0.700000 65.822138 71.078919 20 0.700000 0.900000 15.520333 15.520333 21 0.900000 0.100000 -5.507246 -1.865136 22 0.900000 0.300000 -11.312449 -10.471194 23 0.900000 0.500000 -0.424162 -0.000000 24 0.900000 0.700000 14.311017 15.520333 25 0.900000 0.900000 4.678058 3.388920 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 10 RMS error is 0.294461 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.097208 0.085685 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.126192 0.164345 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.071837 0.024328 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.167451 0.164345 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.027923 0.085685 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.140469 0.192550 7 0.300000 0.300000 -0.273568 -0.340088 8 0.300000 0.500000 -0.263735 -0.388822 9 0.300000 0.700000 -0.038257 -0.340088 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.061425 0.192550 11 0.500000 0.100000 -0.010299 0.150376 12 0.500000 0.300000 -0.377489 -0.440059 13 0.500000 0.500000 -0.391768 1.000000 14 0.500000 0.700000 -0.225001 -0.440059 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.131697 0.150376 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.152041 0.192550 17 0.700000 0.300000 -0.292904 -0.340088 18 0.700000 0.500000 -0.371475 -0.388822 19 0.700000 0.700000 -0.308656 -0.340088 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.192550 0.192550 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.047897 0.085685 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.105951 0.164345 23 0.900000 0.500000 -0.021692 0.024328 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.106565 0.164345 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.061009 0.085685 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 11 RMS error is 0.00496802 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.112500 0.110000 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.127500 0.130000 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.146875 0.150000 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.169375 0.170000 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.182241 0.190000 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.322857 0.330000 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.390750 0.390000 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.451250 0.450000 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.512917 0.510000 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.565000 0.570000 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.551515 0.550000 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.645000 0.650000 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.765000 0.750000 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.843333 0.850000 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.952500 0.950000 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.773333 0.770000 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.912857 0.910000 18 0.700000 0.500000 1.042500 1.050000 19 0.700000 0.700000 1.191500 1.190000 20 0.700000 0.900000 1.330000 1.330000 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.982895 0.990000 22 0.900000 0.300000 1.167727 1.170000 23 0.900000 0.500000 1.350000 1.350000 24 0.900000 0.700000 1.526667 1.530000 25 0.900000 0.900000 1.710000 1.710000 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 12 RMS error is 0.0491764 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.416744 0.451126 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.790500 0.899733 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.757056 0.808444 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.533072 0.517891 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.609041 0.535125 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.382387 0.365971 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.741577 0.779003 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.724366 0.697860 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.627786 0.495853 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.684328 0.643537 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.175482 0.210007 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.473332 0.463269 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.558558 0.460375 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.528007 0.483002 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.882618 0.845854 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.087723 0.099037 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.263288 0.249490 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.386132 0.369136 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.662760 0.634933 20 0.700000 0.900000 1.167816 1.167816 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.079780 0.081018 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.265855 0.261762 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.560616 0.527383 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.979735 0.955604 25 0.900000 0.900000 1.504905 1.517931 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST03 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_VALUE evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to scattered data. Here, we use grid number 2 with 33 scattered points in the unit square on problem 13 RMS error is 0.164364 K Xi(K) Yi(K) Zi(K) Z(X,Y) 1 0.100000 0.100000 0.031611 0.030303 2 0.100000 0.300000 0.046224 0.047619 3 0.100000 0.500000 0.060030 0.058824 4 0.100000 0.700000 0.046415 0.047619 5 0.100000 0.900000 0.035355 0.030303 6 0.300000 0.100000 0.045055 0.047619 7 0.300000 0.300000 0.114177 0.111111 8 0.300000 0.500000 0.113645 0.200000 9 0.300000 0.700000 0.081263 0.111111 10 0.300000 0.900000 0.052061 0.047619 11 0.500000 0.100000 0.066335 0.058824 12 0.500000 0.300000 0.131539 0.200000 13 0.500000 0.500000 0.188580 1.000000 14 0.500000 0.700000 0.172959 0.200000 15 0.500000 0.900000 0.056646 0.058824 16 0.700000 0.100000 0.046989 0.047619 17 0.700000 0.300000 0.104986 0.111111 18 0.700000 0.500000 0.145938 0.200000 19 0.700000 0.700000 0.120601 0.111111 20 0.700000 0.900000 0.047619 0.047619 21 0.900000 0.100000 0.034537 0.030303 22 0.900000 0.300000 0.048887 0.047619 23 0.900000 0.500000 0.062830 0.058824 24 0.900000 0.700000 0.048055 0.047619 25 0.900000 0.900000 0.031000 0.030303 PWL_INTERP_2D_SCATTERED_TEST: Normal end of execution. 26-Oct-2012 09:38:57 >>