function left = r8vec_bracket3 ( n, t, tval, left ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% R8VEC_BRACKET3 finds the interval containing or nearest a given value. % % Discussion: % % The routine always returns the index LEFT of the sorted array % T with the property that either % * T is contained in the interval [ T(LEFT), T(LEFT+1) ], or % * T < T(LEFT) = T(1), or % * T > T(LEFT+1) = T(N). % % The routine is useful for interpolation problems, where % the abscissa must be located within an interval of data % abscissas for interpolation, or the "nearest" interval % to the (extreme) abscissa must be found so that extrapolation % can be carried out. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 26 January 2004 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer N, length of the input array. % % Input, real T(N), an array that has been sorted into ascending order. % % Input, real TVAL, a value to be bracketed by entries of T. % % Input, integer LEFT, if 1 <= LEFT <= N-1, LEFT is taken as a suggestion for the % interval [ T(LEFT), T(LEFT+1) ] in which TVAL lies. This interval % is searched first, followed by the appropriate interval to the left % or right. After that, a binary search is used. % % Output, integer LEFT, is set so that the interval [ T(LEFT), T(LEFT+1) ] % is the closest to TVAL; it either contains TVAL, or else TVAL % lies outside the interval [ T(1), T(N) ]. % % % Check the input data. % if ( n < 2 ) fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, 'R8VEC_BRACKET3 - Fatal error!\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' N must be at least 2.\n' ); error ( 'R8VEC_BRACKET3 - Fatal error!' ); end % % If LEFT is not between 1 and N-1, set it to the middle value. % if ( left < 1 || n - 1 < left ) left = floor ( ( n + 1 ) / 2 ); end % % CASE 1: TVAL < T(LEFT): % Search for TVAL in [T(I), T(I+1)] for intervals I = 1 to LEFT-1. % if ( tval < t(left) ) if ( left == 1 ) left = 1; return elseif ( left == 2 ) left = 1; return elseif ( t(left-1) <= tval ) left = left - 1; return elseif ( tval <= t(2) ) left = 1; return end % % ...Binary search for TVAL in [T(I), T(I+1)] for intervals I = 2 to LEFT-2. % low = 2; high = left - 2; while ( 1 ) if ( low == high ) left = low; return end mid = floor ( ( low + high + 1 ) / 2 ); if ( t(mid) <= tval ) low = mid; else high = mid - 1; end end % % CASE2: T(LEFT+1) < TVAL: % Search for TVAL in {T(I),T(I+1)] for intervals I = LEFT+1 to N-1. % elseif ( t(left+1) < tval ) if ( left == n - 1 ) return elseif ( left == n - 2 ) left = left + 1; return elseif ( tval <= t(left+2) ) left = left + 1; return elseif ( t(n-1) <= tval ) left = n - 1; return end % % ...Binary search for TVAL in [T(I), T(I+1)] for intervals I = LEFT+2 to N-2. % low = left + 2; high = n - 2; while ( 1 ) if ( low == high ) left = low; return end mid = floor ( ( low + high + 1 ) / 2 ); if ( t(mid) <= tval ) low = mid; else high = mid - 1; end end % % CASE3: T(LEFT) <= TVAL <= T(LEFT+1): % T is in [T(LEFT), T(LEFT+1)], as the user said it might be. % else end return end