function sgmga_unique_index_test ( dim_num, importance, level_weight, ... level_max_min, level_max_max, rule, growth, np, p, tol ) %****************************************************************************80 % %% SGMGA_UNIQUE_INDEX_TEST tests SGMGA_UNIQUE_INDEX. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 09 June 2010 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer DIM_NUM, the spatial dimension. % % Input, real IMPORTANCE(DIM_NUM), the anisotropic importance % for each dimension. % % Input, real LEVEL_WEIGHT(DIM_NUM), the anisotropic weight % for each dimension. % % Input, integer LEVEL_MAX_MIN, LEVEL_MAX_MAX, the minimum and % maximum values of LEVEL_MAX. % % Input, integer RULE(DIM_NUM), the rule in each dimension. % 1, "CC", Clenshaw Curtis, Closed Fully Nested. % 2, "F2", Fejer Type 2, Open Fully Nested. % 3, "GP", Gauss Patterson, Open Fully Nested. % 4, "GL", Gauss Legendre, Open Weakly Nested. % 5, "GH", Gauss Hermite, Open Weakly Nested. % 6, "GGH", Generalized Gauss Hermite, Open Weakly Nested. % 7, "LG", Gauss Laguerre, Open Non Nested. % 8, "GLG", Generalized Gauss Laguerre, Open Non Nested. % 9, "GJ", Gauss Jacobi, Open Non Nested. % 10, "HGK", Hermite Genz-Keister, Open Fully Nested. % 11, "UO", User supplied Open, presumably Non Nested. % 12, "UC", User supplied Closed, presumably Non Nested. % % Input, integer GROWTH(DIM_NUM), the growth in each dimension. % 0, "DF", default growth associated with this quadrature rule; % 1, "SL", slow linear, L+1; % 2 "SO", slow linear odd, O=1+2((L+1)/2) % 3, "ML", moderate linear, 2L+1; % 4, "SE", slow exponential; % 5, "ME", moderate exponential; % 6, "FE", full exponential. % % Input, integer NP(DIM_NUM), the number of parameters used by each rule. % % Input, real P(*), the parameters needed by each rule. % % Input, real TOL, a tolerance for point equality. % fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, 'SGMGA_UNIQUE_INDEX_TEST\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' SGMGA_UNIQUE_INDEX returns a mapping between\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' the nonunique and unique points in a sparse grid.\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' IMPORTANCE: '); for dim = 1 : dim_num fprintf ( 1, ' %14f', importance(dim) ); end fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' LEVEL_WEIGHT: '); for dim = 1 : dim_num fprintf ( 1, ' %14f', level_weight(dim) ); end fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Dimension Rule Growth Parameters\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); p_index = 1; for dim = 1 : dim_num if ( rule(dim) == 1 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 2 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 3 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 4 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 5 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 6 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d %14f\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim), p(p_index) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 7 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 8 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d %14f\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim), p(p_index) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 9 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d %14f %14f\n', ... dim, rule(dim), growth(dim), p(p_index), p(p_index+1) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 10 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 11 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); elseif ( rule(dim) == 12 ) fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %11d\n', dim, rule(dim), growth(dim) ); end p_index = p_index + np(dim); end for level_max = level_max_min : level_max_max point_total_num = sgmga_size_total ( dim_num, level_weight, level_max, ... rule, growth ); point_num = sgmga_size ( dim_num, level_weight, level_max, rule, growth, ... np, p, tol ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' LEVEL_MAX POINT_NUM POINT_NUM\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' Unique Total\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d %8d\n', level_max, point_num, point_total_num ); sparse_unique_index = sgmga_unique_index ( dim_num, level_weight, ... level_max, rule, growth, np, p, tol, point_num, point_total_num ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); fprintf ( 1, ' POINT UNIQUE\n' ); fprintf ( 1, '\n' ); for point = 1 : point_total_num fprintf ( 1, ' %8d %8d\n', point, sparse_unique_index(point) ); end end return end