SPARSE_GRID_CC_DATASET is a MATlAB program which creates a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid dataset.
sparse_grid_cc_dataset ( dim_num, level_max )where
Each sparse grid is stored using the "quadrature rule" format, that is, as three files:
The abscissas are ordered to respect the natural nesting of the sparse grids by level. That is, the file of level 3 points begins by listing the points in the level 2 grid.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
SPARSE_GRID_CC_DATASET is available in a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.
CC_DISPLAY, a MATLAB library which can compute and display Clenshaw Curtis grids in two dimensions, as well as sparse grids formed from sums of Clenshaw Curtis grids.
GRID_DISPLAY, a MATLAB library which can display a 2D or 3D grid or sparse grid.
SPARSE_GRID_CC, a MATLAB library which creates a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid.
SPARSE_GRID_CC, a dataset directory which contains examples of Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grids.
SPARSE_GRID_GL_DATASET, a MATLAB program which creates a Gauss-Legendre sparse grid and write the data to three files.
SPARSE_GRID_HERMITE_DATASET, a MATLAB program which creates a Gauss-Hermite sparse grid and write the data to three files.
SPARSE_GRID_LAGUERRE_DATASET, a MATLAB program which creates a Gauss-Laguerre sparse grid and write the data to three files.
SPARSE_GRID_MIXED_DATASET, a MATLAB program which creates a sparse grid dataset based on a mixture of 1D rules.
SPARSE_GRID_OPEN_DATASET, a MATLAB program which creates a sparse grid dataset based on open rules (Fejer 2, Gauss-Patterson, Newton-Cotes-Open).
Here are the three quadrature files created by the command
sparse_grid_cc_dataset 2 3
You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.