function x = cc_compute_points ( n ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% CC_COMPUTE_POINTS computes the Clenshaw Curtis points. % % Discussion: % % Our convention is that the points are numbered from left to right. % % The points are defined on [-1,1]. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 18 July 2012 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer N, the order of the rule. % 1 <= N. % % Output, real X(N,1), the abscissas. % if ( n < 1 ) error ( 'CC_COMPUTE_POINTS - Fatal error!' ); end x = zeros ( n, 1 ); if ( n == 1 ) x(1) = 0.0; return end for i = 1 : n x(i) = cos ( ( n - i ) * pi / ( n - 1 ) ); end % % Clean up special values. % x(1) = -1.0; if ( mod ( n, 2 ) == 1 ) x((n+1)/2) = 0.0; end x(n) = +1.0; return end