function spcomparepoly % SPCOMPAREPOLY Compare multilinear and polynomial interpolation % Script to compare the multilinear Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid % interpolation scheme to the polynomial interpotion scheme with % the Chebyshev grid and the Gauss-Patterson grid. % % See also SPINTERP, TESTFUNCTIONS. % Author : Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Version: 1.3 % Date : March 16, 2005 % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Dimension of the test functions d = 3; % Sparse grid types gridtype = {'Chebyshev', 'Gauss-Patterson', 'Clenshaw-Curtis'}; Nmax = 1e4; % Number of discretization levels, sparse grids n = 1; while spdim(n,d) < Nmax nmax = n; n = n + 1; end % Compute random constants w and c for Gerz' test functions. w = rand(d,6); c = rand(d,6); b = [1.5 d 1.85 7.03 20.4 4.3]; sumc = sum(c,1); sumw = sum(w,1); for k = 1:6 c(:,k) = b(k).*c(:,k)/sumc(k); w(:,k) = w(:,k)/sumw(k); end % Compute 100 random points to interpolate y = {}; for k = 1:d y{k} = rand(100,1); end for l = 1:2 maxerr{l} = zeros(6,nmax+1); npoints{l} = zeros(1,nmax+1); end disp(['Problem dimension: d = ' num2str(d) ', max. nodes: N = ' ... num2str(spdim(nmax,d)) ]); warning('off', 'MATLAB:spinterp:insufficientDepth'); % Do for all six testfunctions for k = 1:6 disp(['Current test function: ' num2str(k)]); % Do for all sparse grid interpolation schemes % Compute exact function values f_exact = feval('testfunctions',y{:},k,c(:,k),w(:,k)); % Compute approximative, interpolated function values and maximum % absolute error maxerr. z = cell(1,3); for l = 1:3 disp([' Grid: ' gridtype{l}]); for n = 0:nmax if l == 2 && n > 5 % Skip GP-grid for n larger than stable maxerr{l}(k,n+1) = NaN; npoints{l}(n+1) = NaN; continue; end tic; % Compute sparse grid and weights options = spset('GridType', gridtype{l}, 'MinDepth', n, ... 'MaxDepth', n, 'Vectorized', 'on', ... 'PrevResults', z{l}); z{l} = spvals('testfunctions',d,[],options,k,c(:,k),w(:,k)); t = toc; tic; f_interp = spinterp(z{l},y{:}); t2 = toc; maxerr{l}(k,n+1) = max(abs(f_exact - f_interp)); disp([' n: ' sprintf('%2d',n) ... ', spvals:' sprintf('%6.2f', t) ' [s], spinterp:' ... sprintf('%6.2f',t2) ' [s], e_max: ' ... sprintf('%1.3e', maxerr{l}(k,n+1)) '.']); npoints{l}(n+1) = z{l}.nPoints; end disp(' '); end end warning('on', 'MATLAB:spinterp:insufficientDepth'); % Plot error decay functionnames = {'oscillatory', 'product peak', 'corner peak', ... 'Gaussian', 'continuous', 'discontinuous'}; clf; for k = 1:6 subplot(2,3,k); loglog(npoints{1},maxerr{1}(k,:),'bs-','LineWidth',1, 'MarkerSize', 4); hold on loglog(npoints{2},maxerr{2}(k,:),'gd-.','LineWidth',1, 'MarkerSize', 4); loglog(npoints{3},maxerr{3}(k,:),'ro--','LineWidth',1, 'MarkerSize', 4); set(gca,'XLim',[1 1e4]); xlim = get(gca,'XLim'); set(gca,'XTick',[1 1e1 1e2 1e3 1e4]); title(functionnames{k},'FontSize',12); end h = legend('H^{CGL}','H^{GP}','H^{CC}',3);