function y = testfunctions(varargin) % TESTFUNCTIONS Integration test functions of A. Genz % Y = TESTFUNCTIONS(X1, X2, ..., XD, TYPE, C, W) Evaluates test % function TYPE at the point (X1,...,XN). C and W are arrays of % constants defining the test function (see below). The test % functions are defined according to A. Genz: A package for % testing multiple integration subroutines, in Numerical % Integration, P. Keast and G. Fairweather (Eds.), D. Riedel, % pp. 337-340, 1987. The functions are defined on [0 1]^d. % % TYPE = 'oscillatory' | TYPE = 1: % f(x) = cos(2*pi*w_1 + sum_{i=1}^d ( c_i * x_i ) ) % % TYPE = 'product peak' | TYPE = 2: % f(x) = prod_{i=1}^d ( c_i^{-2} + (x_i - w_i)^2 )^{-1} % % TYPE = 'corner peak' | TYPE = 3: % f(x) = ( 1 + sum_{i=1}^d (c_i * x_i) )^(-(d+1)) % % TYPE = 'gaussian' | TYPE = 4: % f(x) = exp( - sum_{i=1}^d c_i^2 * (x_i - w_i)^2 ) % % TYPE = 'continuous' | TYPE = 5: % f(x) = exp( - sum_{i=1}^d c_i * abs(x_i - w_i) ) % % TYPE = 'discontinuous' | TYPE = 6: % f(x) = { 0 , if x_1>w_1 or x_2>w_2, % { exp( sum_{i=1}^d c_i * x_i ) , otherwise % % With the parameters c = (c_1, ..., c_d) and w = (w_1, ..., w_d). % d denotes the dimension of the function. % % Examples: % testfunctions(0.5, 0.5, 'product peak', [2, 5.25], [0.2, 0.7]) % testfunctions(0.5, 0.5, 2, [2, 5.25], [0.2, 0.7]) % % x = linspace(0,1,20); % [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,x); % surf(X,Y, ... % testfunctions(X, Y, 'product peak', [2, 5.25], [0.2 0.7])); % Author : Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Version: 1.0 % Date : August 2, 2003 % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ type = varargin{end-2}; c = varargin{end-1}; w = varargin{end}; if isa(type, 'char') fnames = {'oscillatory', 'product peak', 'corner peak', 'gaussian', ... 'continuous', 'discontinuous'}; for k = 1:length(fnames) if strcmp(fnames{k},type) type = k; break end end end d = length(c); switch type case 1 % oscillatory temp = 2*pi*w(1); for i = 1:d temp = temp + c(i).*varargin{i}; end y = cos(temp); case 2 % product peak temp = 1; for i = 1:d temp = temp .* (c(i)^(-2)+(varargin{i}-w(i)).^2); end y = 1./temp; case 3 % corner peak temp = 1; for i = 1:d temp = temp + c(i).*varargin{i}; end y = temp .^ (-(d+1)); case 4 % gaussian temp = 0; for i = 1:d temp = temp + c(i)^2 .* (varargin{i} - w(i)).^2; end y = exp(-temp); case 5 % continuous temp = 0; for i = 1:d temp = temp + c(i) .* abs(varargin{i} - w(i)); end y = exp(-temp); case 6 % discontinuous temp = 0; if d >= 2 mask = varargin{1} > w(1) | varargin{2} > w(2); else mask = varargin{1} > w(1); end for i = 1:d temp = temp + (c(i) .* varargin{i}); end y = exp(temp) .* (~mask); end