function timespinterp(options) % TIMESPINTERP Measure the performance of SPINTERP % TIMESPINTERP(OPTIONS) Script file to draw a graph showing % the time to compute 1000 interpolated points with SPINTERP. By % default, the Clenshaw-Curtis-grid is used. Other grid types % can be selected using the SPSET method. % % See also SPSET, SPINTERP, TESTFUNCTIONS. % Author : Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Version: 1.1 % Date : March 15, 2005 % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ if nargin < 1, options = []; end % Number of points to interpolate nsamplepoints = 1000; sparseIndices = spget(options, 'SparseIndices', 'auto'); gridtype = spget(options, 'GridType', 'Clenshaw-Curtis'); plotasymptotic = 0; % Set the problem dimensions and the maximum discretization levels % for each dimension. switch lower(gridtype) case 'clenshaw-curtis' d = [1,2,4,8,16]; n = [17,13,10,6,4]; plotasymptotic = 1; case 'noboundary' d = [1,2,4,8,16]; n = [15,11,8,5,4]; case 'maximum' d = [1,2,4,8]; n = [16,12,7,2] case 'chebyshev' d = [1,2,4,8,16]; n = [13,12,8,5,4]; plotasymptotic = 1; otherwise error('MATLAB:timespinterp:badopt','Unknown grid type.'); end ndims = length(n); markers = ['s', '.', 'd', '+', 'o', 'x', '*', 'v', '^']; % Compute random constants w and c for Gerz' test functions. w = rand(d(end),1); c = rand(d(end),1); sumc = sum(c,1); sumw = sum(w,1); c = 1.5.*c/sumc; w = w/sumw; time = zeros(ndims,n(1)+1); npoints = zeros(ndims,n(1)+1); for k = 1:d(end) v{k} = rand(nsamplepoints,1); end for m = 1:ndims disp(['Current dim: ' num2str(d(m))]); z = []; for l = 0:n(m) disp(['Current level n = ' num2str(l) '...']); options = spset('MinDepth',l,'MaxDepth',l,'Vectorized','on',... 'GridType', gridtype, 'SparseIndices', ... sparseIndices, 'PrevResults', z); z = spvals('testfunctions',d(m),[],options,1,c(1:d(m)),w(1: ... d(m))); t = z.surplusCompTime; disp(['Computing sparse grid points and evaluating function took ' ... num2str(z.fevalTime) ' [s].']); time(m,l+1) = t; disp(['Computing hierarchical surpluses took ' num2str(t) ' [s].']); npoints(m,l+1) = z.nPoints; tic; y = spinterp(z,v{1:d(m)}); t = toc; time(m,l+1) = t; disp(['Performing ' num2str(nsamplepoints) ... ' evaluations took ' num2str(t) ' [s].']); disp(' '); end disp('Done!'); disp(' '); end % Plot results clf; h = loglog(npoints',time','LineWidth',1); for k = 1:ndims set(h(k), 'Marker', markers(k)); hold on; end axis tight; hold on; % Plot assymtotic curves if plotasymptotic if strcmpi(gridtype, 'Chebyshev') for nd = [1 ndims] assymptotic = npoints(nd,1:n(nd)+1); const = 1./assymptotic(end).*time(nd,n(nd)+1); plot(npoints(nd,1:n(nd)+1),assymptotic.*const,'k--'); end else for nd = 1:ndims assymptotic = zeros(n(nd),1); for k = 0:n(nd) if strcmpi(sparseIndices, 'off') assymptotic(k+1) = d(nd).*nchoosek(k+d(nd),d(nd)); else assymptotic(k+1) = min(k,d(nd)).*nchoosek(k+d(nd),d(nd)); end end const = 1./assymptotic(end).*time(nd,n(nd)+1); plot(npoints(nd,1:n(nd)+1),assymptotic.*const,'k--'); end end end % Add legend and axis labels hold off; title(['Time to compute ' num2str(nsamplepoints) ... ' interpolated values for ' gridtype ' grid.']); ylabel('time [s]') xlabel('number of nodes N') s = {}; for k = 1:ndims s{k} = ['d = ' num2str(d(k))]; end if plotasymptotic s{ndims+1} = 'asymptotic'; end legend(s,2);