function timespvalsdct % TIMESPVALSDCT Compares the performance of SPVALS for the Cheby- % shev-Gauss-Lobatto grid with and without the DCT-based grid % construction algorithm. % % Note: This demo takes a couple of minutes to run. % % See also TIMESPVALS. % Author : Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Version: 1.0 % Date : May 31, 2006 % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ n1 = [14,12,10,6]; n2 = [17,14,10,6]; dvec = [1,2,4,8]; for k = 1:length(n1) subplot(2,2,k,'align'); d = dvec(k); options = spset('GridType', 'Chebyshev', 'SparseIndices', 'on', ... 'EnableDCT', 'off'); timespvals(options,n1(k),d); options = spset('GridType', 'Chebyshev', 'SparseIndices', 'on'); hold on timespvals(options,n2(k),d); hold on plot([1,1e7],[1e-4,1e3],'k-.') hold off title(['d = ' num2str(d)]); xlabel(''); axis normal; h = get(gca,'Children'); set(h(2),'LineStyle','--','LineWidth',1.5,'Marker','*','Color','r'); set(h(3),'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',1.5,'Marker','+','Color','b'); legend({'no DCT', 'with DCT', 'O(N)'},2); set(gca,'XTick',[1e1,1e2,1e3,1e4,1e5]); set(gca,'YTick',[1e-3,1e-2,1e-1,1e0,1e1,1e2,1e3,1e4]); set(gca,'XLim',[1e1,1e5]) end hold off;