function x = spgridm(levelseq) % SPGRIDM Compute grid points, maximum-norm-based grid % X = SPGRIDM(LEVELSEQ,D) Computes the sparse grid points for % the given sequence of index LEVELSEQ and problem dimension D. % The coordinate value of dimension i is stored in column i of % the matrix X. One row of matrix X represents one grid point. % (Internal function) % Author : Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Version: 1.2 % Date : January 24, 2006 % Change log: % V1.0 : Sep 24, 2003 % V1.1 : April 21, 2004 % Altered function header to enable dimension-adaptive % grids. Simplified code. % V1.2 : January 24, 2006 % Changed data types to operate on uint arrays % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Get the number of levels nlevels = uint32(size(levelseq,1)); % Get the dimension d = uint16(size(levelseq,2)); npoints = zeros(nlevels,1,'uint32'); % Initialize sp with the total number of grid points of the % level. % Compute number of points totalpoints = uint32(0); for k = 1:nlevels; ntemp = uint32(1); for l = 1:d lev = levelseq(k,l); if lev == 0 ntemp = ntemp * 3; else ntemp = ntemp * 2^uint32(lev); end end npoints(k) = ntemp; totalpoints = totalpoints + ntemp; end % index contains the index of the resulting array containing all % subdomains of the level. index = uint32(1); x = zeros(totalpoints,d); for kl = 1:nlevels level = double(levelseq(kl,:)); for i = 1:d % compute the points, scaled to [0,1] if level(i) == 0 c = [0; 0.5; 1]; else c = (((1:2:(2^level(i).*2))).*2^(-1-level(i)))'; end % Compute the number of grid points per dimension, store it % in repvec. The funny (level == 0) statement makes sure that % each level 0 dimension is counted as three. repvec = [2.^level+(level == 0).*2]'; npoints = prod(repvec); repvec(i) = 1; c = repmat(shiftdim(c, 1-double(i)), repvec); x(index:index+npoints-1,i) = c(:); end index = index + npoints; end