function [xopt,fval,exitflag,output] = spcompsearch(z, xbox, options) % SPCOMPSEARCH Modified compass (coordinate) search algorithm % performing a local search of the sparse grid inpterpolant. % X = SPCOMPSEARCH(Z) Finds a local optimizer X for the given % sparse grid interpolant Z using a modified compass search % algorithm starting from the best available sparse grid point. % The entire range of the sparse grid interplant is searched. % % X = SPCOMPSEARCH(Z, XBOX) Uses the search box XBOX, X = [a1, % b1; a2, b2; ...]. The size of search box XBOX must be smaller % than or equal to the range of the interpolant. % % X = SPCOMPSEARCH(Z, XBOX, OPTIONS) Additionally, an OPTIONS % structure can be provided, see SPOPTIMSET for further details. % % [X,FVAL] = SPCOMPSEARCH(...) returns the value of the % sparse grid interpolant at X. % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG] = SPCOMPSEARCH(...) returns an EXITFLAG % that describes the exit condition of SPCOMPSEARCH. Possible % values of EXITFLAG and the corresponding exit conditions are % % 1 SPCOMPSEARCH converged to a solution X. % 0 Maximum number of iterations reached. % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = SPCOMPSEARCH(...) returns a % structure OUTPUT with the number of function evaluations in % OUTPUT.nFevals and the computing time in .time. % % Example: (minimizing the three-hump camel-back function) % f = inline('12*x.^2-6.3*x.^4+x.^6+6*y*(y-x)'); % range = [-3 3; -3 3]; % options = spset('keepFunctionValues','on'); % z = spvals(f, 2, range, options); % [xopt, fval] = spcompsearch(z) % % See also SPOPTIMSET. % Author : Andreas Klimke % Version: 2.1 % Date : September 1, 2007 % Change log: % V2.1 : September 1, 2007 % Changed calling syntax to match other optimization % methods. Added maximum number of iterations. % V2.0 : January 23, 2006 % Added TolFun break criterium. % V1.9 : June 9, 2005 % Removed multiple start processing from V1.5; moved to % separate routine SPMULTISTART. Removed start point % computation; moved to separate routine. % V1.8 : April 15, 2005 % Corrected bug concerning testCorners option; Modified % slightly to cope with new dimension-adaptive format. % V1.7 : January 14, 2005 % Corrected bug that lead to wrong rescaling of parts of the % grid data if previous results were used. % V1.6 : January 11, 2005 % Added capability for handling polynomial sparse grid % interpolants. Added tolerance on X as options. % V1.5 : November 13, 2004 % Added feature for performing multiple searches at a time. % V1.4 : September 6, 2004 % Added capability for handling dimension-adaptive data. % V1.3 : September 6, 2004 % : Added check if the spvals structure contains a valid % range; otherwise, set it to [0,1]^d. % V1.2 : March 9, 2004 % Added random start point option % V1.1 : February 18, 2004 % Moved search for optimum of sparse grid points to separate % routine (spfindopt.m). % V1.0 : January 7, 2004 % Initial version % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ t0 = clock; if nargin < 2, xbox = []; end if nargin < 3, options = []; end d = z.d; % In case that no range has been provided to spvals -> set it to % [0,1]^d. if isempty(z.range) z.range = [zeros(d,1) ones(d,1)]; end if isempty(xbox) xbox = z.range; end if isfield(z, 'dimAdapt') n = z.maxLevel'; else n = z.maxLevel*ones(d,1,'uint8'); end % savepoints = []; % Determine optimization start point(s) [xopt, fval] = spgetstartpoint(z, xbox, options); minimize = spoptimget(options, 'Minimize', 'on'); maximize = spoptimget(options, 'Maximize', 'off'); if strcmpi(minimize, 'on'), isminimize = 1; else isminimize = 0; end if strcmpi(maximize, 'on'), ismaximize = 1; else ismaximize = 0; end ymin = []; ymax = []; if isminimize ymin = fval(1); if ismaximize ymax = fval(2); end else ymax = fval(1); end switch(lower(z.gridType)) case {'maximum', 'noboundary', 'clenshaw-curtis'} linear = 1; case {'chebyshev', 'gauss-patterson'} linear = 0; otherwise error('MATLAB:spinterp:badopt',['Unknown grid type ''' gridtype '''.']); end maxiter = spoptimget(options, 'MaxIter', 100); tolx = spoptimget(options, 'TolX', []); if isempty(tolx) if linear tolx = inf; else tolx = max(z.estRelError * 1e-2, 10*eps); end end tolfun = spoptimget(options, 'TolFun', 1e-6); dispopt = spoptimget(options, 'Display', 'off'); nfevals = 0; x = zeros(2*d,d); exitflag = zeros(size(xopt,2)); for k = 1:size(xopt,2) % Compute the step length parameters dx = 1./2.^(floor(double(n)/double(d))).*(z.range(:,2)-z.range(:,1)); dxunit = 1./2.^(floor(double(n)/double(d))); dxmin = 1./2.^double(n); dxminvec = 1./2.^double(n).*(z.range(:,2)-z.range(:,1)); % correct the start values to lie on a full grid point if linear updated = 0; for l = 1:d xtemp = floor((xopt(l,k) - z.range(l,1)) / ... dxminvec(l))*dxminvec(l) + z.range(l,1); while xtemp < xbox(l,1) xtemp = xtemp + dxminvec(l); end if xtemp > xbox(l,2) % this can only be true if the search box is smaller than the % step width dx. In this case, take the center of the search % box as the starting point. xtemp = (xbox(l,1) + xbox(l,2))/2; end if xtemp ~= xopt(l,k) xopt(l,k) = xtemp; updated = 1; end end if updated xoptcell = num2cell(xopt(:,k)); nfevals = nfevals + 1; if k == 1 && isminimize ymin = spinterp(z, xoptcell{:}); else ymax = spinterp(z, xoptcell{:}); end end end [isdispiter, iterstr] = initoptidisp(dispopt); if isdispiter if k == 1 && isminimize disp(sprintf(iterstr, 0, nfevals, 0, ymin, 'start point')); else disp(sprintf(iterstr, 0, nfevals, 0, ymax, 'start point')); end end if k == 2 isminimize = 0; end exitflag(k) = 0; for kit = 1:maxiter % save the points for later processing, if requested by the % user %if nargout == 3 % if isminimize % savepoints = [savepoints; [xopt(:,k)' ymin]]; % else % savepoints = [savepoints; [xopt(:,k)' ymax]]; % end %end nfevals = nfevals + uint32(d)*2; % Generate search points id = uint32(1); for l = 1:d for l2 = 1:d if l == l2 x(id,l) = xopt(l,k) - dx(l); x(id+1,l) = xopt(l,k) + dx(l); if x(id,l) < xbox(l,1) x(id,l) = xbox(l,1); end if x(id+1,l) > xbox(l,2) x(id+1,l) = xbox(l,2); end else x(id,l2) = xopt(l2,k); x(id+1,l2) = xopt(l2,k); end end id = id + 2; end % Perform sparse grid interpolation xcell = num2cell(x,1); ytemp = spinterp(z, xcell{:}); if isminimize [ymintemp, id] = min(ytemp); if ymintemp < ymin xopt(:,k) = x(id,:)'; if isdispiter, disp(sprintf(iterstr, kit, nfevals, ... 0, ymintemp, 'coordinate step')); end % Terminate if function value change is below tolerance if abs(ymin-ymintemp) < tolfun ymin = ymintemp; exitflag(k) = 1; break; end ymin = ymintemp; else if isdispiter, disp(sprintf(iterstr, kit, nfevals, ... 0, ymin, 'contract step')); end if all(dxunit <= dxmin) && all(dxunit <= tolx) exitflag(k) = 1; break; end for l = 1:d if dxunit(l) > dxmin(l) || dxunit(l) > tolx dxunit(l) = dxunit(l) / 2; dx(l) = dx(l) / 2; end end end else [ymaxtemp, id] = max(ytemp); if ymaxtemp > ymax xopt(:,k) = x(id,:)'; if isdispiter, disp(sprintf(iterstr, kit, nfevals, ... 0, ymaxtemp, 'coordinate step')); end % Terminate if function value change is below tolerance if abs(ymax-ymaxtemp) < tolfun ymax = ymaxtemp; exitflag(k) = 1; break; end ymax = ymaxtemp; else if isdispiter, disp(sprintf(iterstr, kit, nfevals, ... 0, ymax, 'contract step')); end if all(dxunit <= dxmin) && all(dxunit <= tolx) exitflag(k) = 1; break; end for l = 1:d if dxunit(l) > dxmin(l) || dxunit(l) > tolx dxunit = dxunit / 2; dx = dx / 2; end end end end end end fval = [ymin ymax]; if nargout == 4 output.nFEvals = nfevals; output.time = etime(clock, t0); % output.points = savepoints; end