function sp = spdim(n, d, options) % SPDIM Computes the number of sparse grid points % SP = SPDIM(N,D) Computes the number of points of the sparse % grid of dimension D and level N. % % SP = SPDIM(N,D,OPTIONS) Computes the number of points as % above, but with default grid type replaced by the grid type % specified in OPTIONS, an argument created with the SPSET % function. See SPSET for details. % % See also SPINTERP, SPGRID, SPVALS. % Author : Andreas Klimke % Version: 1.2 % Date : November 18, 2007 % Change log: % V1.0 : September 24, 2003 % Initial version % V1.1 : June 15, 2004 % Added new grid type : Chebyshev distributed nodes % (at the extrema of the Chebyshev polynomials) % V1.2 : November 18, 2007 % Added new grid type : Gauss-Patterson % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ if nargin < 3, options = []; end if d == 0 % By definition; useful when computing recurrence formulae such % as Bungartz, "Finite Elements of Higher Order on Sparse % Grids", p.35, 1998. sp = 1; return; end gridtype = spget(options, 'GridType', 'Clenshaw-Curtis'); if strcmpi(gridtype, 'clenshaw-curtis') sp = spdimcc(n,d); elseif strcmpi(gridtype, 'maximum') sp = spdimm(n,d); elseif strcmpi(gridtype, 'noboundary') sp = spdimm(n,d,0); elseif strcmpi(gridtype, 'chebyshev') % number of nodes same as CC-grid sp = spdimcc(n,d); elseif strcmpi(gridtype, 'gauss-patterson') % number of nodes same as NB-grid sp = spdimm(n,d,0); else error('MATLAB:spinterp:badopt',['Unknown grid type ''' gridtype '''.']); end