function [xopt,fval,exitflag,output] = spfminsearch(z, xbox, options) % SPFMINSEARCH Optimization of sparse grids using FMINSEARCH. % X = SPFMINSEARCH(Z) starts search at the best available % sparse grid point and attempts to find a local optimizer of the % sparse grid interpolant Z. The entire range of the sparse % grid interpolant is searched. % % X = SPFMINSEARCH(Z,XBOX) attempts to find a local optimizer. % in the search box XBOX. The size of search box XBOX must be % smaller or equal to the range of the interpolant. % % X = SPFMINSEARCH(Z,XBOX,OPTIONS) optimizes with the default % optimization parameters replaced by values in the structure % OPTIONS, created with the SPOPTIMSET function. See SPOPTIMSET % for details. % % [X,FVAL] = SPFMINSEARCH(...) returns the value of the % objective function, described in FUN, at X. % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG] = SPFMINSEARCH(...) returns an EXITFLAG % that describes the exit condition of SPFMINSEARCH. Possible % values of EXITFLAG and the corresponding exit conditions are % % 1 SPFMINSEARCH converged to a solution X. % 0 Maximum number of function evaluations or iterations % reached. % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = SPFMINSEARCH(...) returns a % structure OUTPUT with the number of function evaluations in % OUTPUT.nFevals, and the computing time in OUTPUT.time. % The OUTPUT result from the FMINSEARCH call are returned % as OUTPUT.fminsearchOutput. % % Example: (minimizing the three-hump camel-back function) % f = inline('12*x.^2-6.3*x.^4+x.^6+6*y*(y-x)'); % range = [-3 3; -3 3]; % options = spset('keepFunctionValues','on', ... % 'GridType', 'Chebyshev', ... % 'DimensionAdaptive', 'on', ... % 'DimAdaptDegree', 1, ... % 'MinPoints', 10); % z = spvals(f, 2, range, options) % [xopt, fval] = spfminsearch(z) % % See also SPOPTIMSET, FMINSEARCH. % Author : Andreas Klimke % Version: 1.1 % Date : June 8, 2005 % Change log: % V1.1 : September 8, 2006 % Added example, added exitflag, added output from % fminsearch, removed obsolete code segments. % V1.0 : June 8, 2005 % Initial version. % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ t0 = clock; if nargin < 2, xbox = []; end; if nargin < 3, options = []; end; d = z.d; % In case that no range has been provided to spvals -> set it to % [0,1]^d. if isempty(z.range) z.range = [zeros(d,1) ones(d,1)]; end if isempty(xbox) xbox = z.range; end % Add the Optimset options to the options structure if there are % any. fnames = []; optimOptions = spoptimget(options, 'OptimsetOptions', []); if ~isempty(optimOptions) fnames = fieldnames(optimOptions); end for k = 1:length(fnames) % We only add the field if it is not there yet. This means that % The fields from spoptimsget have precedence. if ~isfield(options, fnames{k}) options = setfield(options, fnames{k}, ... getfield(optimOptions, fnames{k})); end end % Determine optimization start point(s) [xopt, fval] = spgetstartpoint(z, xbox, options); minimize = spoptimget(options, 'Minimize', 'on'); maximize = spoptimget(options, 'Maximize', 'off'); if strcmpi(minimize, 'on'), isminimize = 1; else isminimize = 0; end if strcmpi(maximize, 'on'), ismaximize = 1; else ismaximize = 0; end xmin = []; xmax = []; ymin = []; ymax = []; exitflagmin = []; exitflagmax = []; outputmin = []; outputmax = []; nfevals = 0; if isminimize [xmin,ymin,exitflagmin,outputmin] = ... fminsearch(@fun, xopt(:,1), options, z, xbox, 0); nfevals = outputmin.funcCount; end if ismaximize k = 1; if isminimize, k = 2; end [xmax,ymax,exitflagmax,outputmax] = ... fminsearch(@fun, xopt(:,k), options, z, xbox, 1); nfevals = nfevals + outputmax.funcCount; end xopt = [xmin, xmax]; fval = [ymin, -ymax]; exitflag = [exitflagmin, exitflagmax]; if nargout == 4 output.nFEvals = nfevals; output.time = etime(clock, t0); output.fminsearchOutput = [outputmin, outputmax]; end % ----------------------------------------------------------------- function f = fun(x, z, xbox, mode) % MODE = 0: minimize; MODE = 1: maximize; if isfield(z, 'selectOutput') output = z.selectOutput; else output = 1; end xtemp = num2cell(min(max(x,xbox(:,1)),xbox(:,2))'); if mode == 0 f = spinterp(z, xtemp{:}); else f = -spinterp(z, xtemp{:}); end % For values outside of the search box, penalize the % result. d = z.d; fevalWidth = z.fevalRange(output,2) - z.fevalRange(output,1); for l = 1:d if x(l) < xbox(l,1) f = f + (xbox(l,1) - x(l)).^2 * fevalWidth; elseif x(l) > xbox(l,2) f = f + (x(l) - xbox(l,2)).^2 * fevalWidth; end end