function spinit % SPINIT Add the sparse grid routines directories to Matlab path % Author : Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Date : October 8, 2007 % Version: 1.6 % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ try disp('------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); disp('Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox'); disp('------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); disp('Version 5.1.1'); disp('(c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart.'); disp('(c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved.'); disp('Please see LICENSE.txt for license information.'); disp('------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); fullpath = mfilename('fullpath'); pathstr = fileparts(fullpath); disp('Adding sparse grid routines directory to Matlab search path.'); addpath(pathstr); disp('Adding examples directory to Matlab search path.'); demopath = [pathstr filesep 'examples']; addpath(demopath); disp('------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); disp(['Type >>help spinterp<< or >>help spvals<< for brief usage' ... ' information.']); disp(['Type >>doc spinterptool<< to open the documentation in the' ... ' help browser.']); disp(['Type >>demo toolbox ''Sparse Grid Interpolation''<< to' ... ' select demo files.']); disp(' '); catch disp('Initialization failed. The following error occurred:'); rethrow(lasterror); end