function options = spoptimset(varargin) % SPOPTIMSET Create/alter sparse grid optimization OPTIONS structure. % OPTIONS = SPOPTIMSET('NAME1',VALUE1,'NAME2',VALUE2,...) creates an % options structure OPTIONS in which the named properties have % the specified values. Any unspecified properties have default % values. It is sufficient to type only the leading characters % that uniquely identify the property. Case is ignored for % property names. % % OPTIONS = SPOPTIMSET(OLDOPTS,'NAME1',VALUE1,...) alters an existing % options structure OLDOPTS. % % OPTIONS = SPOPTIMSET(OLDOPTS,NEWOPTS) combines an existing options % structure OLDOPTS with a new options structure NEWOPTS. Any new % properties overwrite corresponding old properties. % % SPOPTIMSET with no input arguments displays all property names and % their possible values. % % See also SPOPTIMGET, SPCOMSEARCH, SPFMINSEARCH, SPMULTISTART. % % % SPOPTIMSET PROPERTIES % % Minimize [ {on} | off ] - Find minimizer % % Maximize [ {off} | on ] - Find maximizer (searching for the % minimizer and the maximizer at the same time is allowed) % % TolX - Termination tolerance on X [ positive scalar ] % Default is 1e-4. Note that the tolerance on X is taken with % respect to the problem being re-scaled to the unit interval in % each coordinate direction. That is, for instance, a sparse grid % interpolant defined for the box [0, 1e6]x[0, 1e-6] with TolX % = 0.1 would mean a break tolerance of 1e5 in x1 and a tolerance % of 1e-7 in x2-direction. TolX does not apply to SPCGSEARCH. % % TolFun - Termination tolerance on the function value [ positive % scalar {1e-6} ] The search is terminated when the change of % the function value from one iteration to the next is smaller % than TolFun. % % MaxIter - Maximum number of allowed iterations [ integer {100} ] % % StartPoint [ {best} | random | dx1 vector ] - Start search from % best available, random, or specified start point. % % TestCorners - Test the range box corner points [ on | {off} ] % Specifically includes the corner points of the search box as % potential start points of the search. % % PrevResult - Previous optimizer [ (d+1)x{1|2} double array ] % Specifies a possible best start point, such as from a previous % search over a subdomain of the current search box. Format: % [xoptmin;ymin xoptmax;ymax], where xoptmin and xoptmax are column % vectors. Depending on the contents of the Minimize and Maximize % fields, minima and/or maxima information should be provided. % % Method - [ {spcgsearch} | {spcompsearch} | spfminsearch ] % Specifies the method used by the multiple random start search % SPMULTISTART. SPCGSEARCH is the default for the Chebyshev grid, % otherwise, it is SPCOMPSEARCH. % % NumStarts - Number of restarts [ integer {10} ] % Parameter to the multiple random start method SPMULTISTART. The % following points are considered : (best) + (NumStarts - 1 % random points). % % OptimsetOptions - Add options structure obtained with OPTIMSET to % the SPOPTIMSET structure. [ struct {[]} ] % This feature is useful if additional configuration of the % Matlab fminsearch algorithm used by spfminsearch is required % beyond the parameters available through spoptimset. % Example: % options = spoptimset('Optimset', optimset('FunValCheck','on')); % % Display - Display options [ {off} | iter ] % Optionally, displays information at each iteration. % Author : Andreas Klimke % Version: 1.2 % Date : November 13, 2006 % Change log: % V1.2 : November 13, 2006 % Cleaned up description, added Display option. % V1.1 : August 8, 2005 % Added TolFun parameters % V1.0 : June 09, 2005 % Initial release % Note: SPOTIMSET is similar in syntax and code the the options % handling with ODEGET and ODESET of the MATLAB ODE suite by Marc % Reichelt and Lawrence Shampine. % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Print out possible values of properties. if (nargin == 0) & (nargout == 0) fprintf(' Minimize: [ {on} | off ]\n'); fprintf(' Maximize: [ on | {off} ]\n'); fprintf(' TolFun: [ positive scalar {1e-6} ]\n'); fprintf(' TolX: [ positive scalar {1e-4} ]\n'); fprintf(' MaxIter: [ positive integer {1000} ]\n'); fprintf(' StartPoint: [ {best} | random | dx1 vector ]\n'); fprintf(' TestCorners: [ on | {off} ]\n'); fprintf(' PrevResult: [ double matrix {[]} ]\n'); fprintf(' Method: [ string ]\n'); fprintf(' NumStarts: [ positive integer {10} ]\n'); fprintf(' OptimsetOptions: [ struct {[]} ]\n'); fprintf(' Display: [ {off} | iter ]\n'); fprintf('\n'); return; end Names = {'Minimize', 'Maximize', 'TolFun', 'TolX', ... 'MaxIter', 'StartPoint', 'TestCorners', 'PrevResult', ... 'Method', 'NumStarts', 'OptimsetOptions', 'Display'}; m = length(Names); for k = 1:m names{k} = lower(Names{k}); end % Combine all leading options structures o1, o2, ... in odeset(o1,o2,...). options = []; for k = 1:m options.(Names{k}) = []; end k = 1; while k <= nargin arg = varargin{k}; if ischar(arg) % arg is an option name break; end if ~isempty(arg) % [] is a valid options argument if ~isa(arg,'struct') error(sprintf(['Expected argument %d to be a string property' ... ' name or an options structure\ncreated with' ... ' SPOPTIMSET.'], k)); end for l = 1:m if any(strcmp(fieldnames(arg),Names{l})) val = arg.(Names{l}); else val = []; end if ~isempty(val) options.(Names{l}) = val; end end k = k + 1; else k = k + 1; break; end end % now process the name-value pairs. if rem(nargin-k+1,2) ~= 0 error('Arguments must occur in name-value pairs.'); end expectval = 0; % start expecting a name, not a % value while k <= nargin arg = varargin{k}; if ~expectval if ~isstr(arg) error(sprintf(['Expected argument %d to be a string property' ... ' name.'], k)); end lowArg = lower(arg); matched = strmatch(lowArg,names); if isempty(matched) error(sprintf('Unrecognized property name ''%s''.', arg)); elseif length(matched) > 1 msg = sprintf('Ambiguous property name ''%s'' ', arg); msg = [msg '(' Names{matched(1)}]; for l = matched(2:length(matched))' msg = [msg ', ' Names{l}]; end msg = sprintf('%s).', msg); error(msg); end expectval = 1; % we expect a value next else options.(Names{matched}) = arg; expectval = 0; end k = k + 1; end if expectval error(sprintf('Expected value for property ''%s''.', arg)); end