function z = spvals(f, d, range, options, varargin) % SPVALS Construct a sparse grid interpolant % Z = SPVALS(FUN, D) Compute the sparse grid representation Z % for multi-linear sparse grid interpolation of the function % FUN. The grid is computed over the d-dimensional unit cube % [0,1]^D. % % Z = SPVALS(FUN, D, RANGE) In addition to the syntax above, the % interpolation box dimensions may be specified. RANGE is a 2 x % D array, e.g. to compute the sparse grid representation over % the domain [0,1]x[2,4]x[1,5] of FUN, RANGE must be [0 1; 2 4; 1 % 5]. If RANGE is empty (=[]), it is assumed to be [0,1]^D. % % Z = SPVALS(FUN, D, RANGE, OPTIONS) computes the sparse grid % representation as above, but with default interpolation % properties replaced by values in OPTIONS, an argument created % with the SPSET function. See SPSET for details. A commonly used % option is the scalar relative error tolerance 'RelTol' (1e-2 % by default). % % Z = SPVALS(FUN, D, RANGE, OPTIONS, P1, P2, ...) passes the % parameters P1, P2, ... to the objective function FUN. % % See also SPGRID, SPVALS, SPSET, SPDIM. % Author : Andreas Klimke % Version: 1.9 % Date : November 18, 2007 % Change log: % V1.0 : September 24, 2003 % Initial version % V1.1 : January 27, 2004 % Corrected bug with PrevResults option- now correctly % uses previously computed results. Added "KeepGrid" and % "KeepFunctionValues" options for later use. % V1.2 : April 22, 2004 % Added possibility for dimension-adaptive grids. % V1.3 : June 15, 2004 % Added Chebyshev grid. % V1.4 : March 10, 2005 % Added processing of sparse index arrays. This % significantly improves the computational complexity for % higher-dimensional sparse grids. % V1.5 : June 12, 2005 % Corrected bug regarding grid scaling w/ non-sparse % indices (forgot to update code accordingly). % V1.6 : September 02, 2005 % Altered structure assignment to avoid warning in new % Matlab release R14SP2. % V1.7 : September 05, 2005 % Removed bug with levelseq initialization in case of sparse % index sets. % V1.8 : February 2, 2006 % Added DropTol processing % V1.9 : November 18, 2007 % Added new grid type : Gauss-Patterson % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox % Copyright (c) 2006 W. Andreas Klimke, Universitaet Stuttgart % Copyright (c) 2007-2008 W. A. Klimke. All Rights Reserved. % See LICENSE.txt for license. % email: % web : % ------------------------------------------------------------ % Ensure that d is of type uint16 d = uint16(d); if nargin < 3, range = []; end if nargin < 4, options = []; end if nargin < 5, varargin = {}; end % Check if dimension-adaptive sparse grid interpolation is % requested. In this case, call SPADAPTVALS instead. dimadaptive = spget(options, 'DimensionAdaptive', 'off'); zprev = spget(options, 'PrevResults'); if strcmpi(dimadaptive, 'on') z = spadaptvals(f, d, range, options, varargin{:}); % Update purge date if present if isfield(zprev, 'purgeData') z.purgeData = zprev.purgeData; z = sppurge(z); end return; end vectorized = spget(options, 'Vectorized', 'off'); varpos = spget(options, 'VariablePositions'); nresults = spget(options, 'NumberOfOutputs', 1); gridtype = spget(options, 'GridType', 'Clenshaw-Curtis'); if strcmpi(gridtype, 'gauss-patterson') nmax = spget(options, 'MaxDepth', uint8(6)); if nmax > 6 warning('MATLAB:spinterp:badopt',['Maximum supported depth ' ... 'level for the Gauss-Patterson grid is 6, but MaxDepth ' ... 'was set to ' num2str(nmax) '. Using MaxDepth = 6 instead.']); nmax = uint8(6); end elseif strcmpi(gridtype, 'chebyshev') nmax = spget(options, 'MaxDepth', uint8(8)); if nmax > 10 warning('MATLAB:spinterp:badopt',['Maximum supported depth ' ... 'level for the Chebyshev grid is 10, but MaxDepth ' ... 'was set to ' num2str(nmax) '. Using MaxDepth = 10 instead.']); nmax = uint8(10); end else nmax = spget(options, 'MaxDepth', uint8(8)); end nmin = spget(options, 'MinDepth', uint8(2)); reltol = spget(options, 'RelTol', 1e-2); abstol = spget(options, 'AbsTol', 1e-6); functionArgType = spget(options, 'FunctionArgType', 'list'); keepFunctionValues = spget(options, 'KeepFunctionValues', 'off'); keepGrid = spget(options, 'KeepGrid', 'off'); sparseIndices = spget(options, 'SparseIndices', 'auto'); enableDCT = spget(options, 'EnableDCT', 'on'); maxarraysize = 1e6; % Maximum number of doubles to allocate at a % time for the grid points dosparse = false; switch lower(gridtype) case 'clenshaw-curtis' if strcmpi(sparseIndices, 'off') ipmethod = 'spcmpvalscc'; gridgen = 'spgridcc'; else ipmethod = 'spcmpvalsccsp'; gridgen = 'spgridccsp'; dosparse = true; x = []; y = cell(1,nresults); end case 'maximum' ipmethod = 'spcmpvalsm'; gridgen = 'spgridm'; case 'noboundary' ipmethod = 'spcmpvalsnb'; gridgen = 'spgridnb'; case 'chebyshev' if strcmpi(sparseIndices, 'off') if strcmpi(enableDCT, 'off') ipmethod = 'spcmpvalscb'; else ipmethod = 'spcmpvalscbdct'; end gridgen = 'spgridcb'; else if strcmpi(enableDCT, 'off') ipmethod = 'spcmpvalscbsp'; else ipmethod = 'spcmpvalscbspdct'; end gridgen = 'spgridcbsp'; dosparse = true; x = []; y = cell(1,nresults); end case 'gauss-patterson' if strcmpi(sparseIndices, 'off') ipmethod = 'spcmpvalsgp'; gridgen = 'spgridgp'; else ipmethod = 'spcmpvalsgpsp'; gridgen = 'spgridgpsp'; dosparse = true; x = []; y = cell(1,nresults); end otherwise error('MATLAB:spinterp:badopt',['Unknown grid type ''' gridtype '''.']); end if isempty(zprev) nmaxprev = uint8(0); zmin = inf.*ones(nresults,1); zmax = -inf.*ones(nresults,1); xmin = zeros(nresults,d); xmax = zeros(nresults,d); fevalTime = 0; surplusCompTime = 0; npoints = uint32(0); levelseq = []; else % If previous grid is dimension-adaptive, call other routine if isfield(zprev, 'dimAdapt') z = spadaptvals(f, d, range, options, varargin{:}); return; end if zprev.maxLevel == nmax % nothing to do! z = zprev; return; end nmaxprev = zprev.maxLevel + 1; z = zprev.vals; gridtype = zprev.gridType; if isfield(zprev, 'fvals') y = zprev.fvals; end if isfield(zprev, 'grid') x = zprev.grid; end zmin = zprev.fevalRange(:,1); zmax = zprev.fevalRange(:,2); xmin = zprev.minGridVal; xmax = zprev.maxGridVal; fevalTime = zprev.fevalTime; surplusCompTime = zprev.surplusCompTime; npoints = zprev.nPoints; if dosparse levelseq = zprev.indices; end end % shift the interpolation parameters to the right position, and % fill field up with any parameters in varargin. val = posvars(d, varpos, varargin{:}); success = 0; accuracy = inf; if ~dosparse % Compute the hierarchical surpluses without sparse index sets and % without storing the neighbors for k = nmaxprev:nmax maxsurplus = zeros(nresults,1); t0 = clock; levelseq = spgetseq(k,d,options); [z(1:nresults,k+1),x{k+1}] = ... spevalf(gridgen, f, levelseq, d, [], range, varpos, ... vectorized,nresults,functionArgType,val{:}); if strcmpi(keepFunctionValues, 'on') y(1:nresults,k+1) = z(:,k+1); end fevalTime = fevalTime + etime(clock,t0); for l = 1:nresults [temp, id] = min(z{l,k+1}(:)); if temp < zmin(l) zmin(l) = temp; xmin(l,:) = x{k+1}(id,:); end [temp, id] = max(z{l,k+1}(:)); if temp > zmax(l) zmax(l) = temp; xmax(l,:) = x{k+1}(id,:); end end npoints = npoints + size(x{k+1},1); if k > 0 nsurpluses = size(x{k+1},1); t0 = clock; for l = 1:nresults ip = zeros(nsurpluses, 1); for m = uint8(0):k-1 oldlevelseq = spgetseq(m,d,options); ip = ip + feval(ipmethod, d, z{l,m+1}, x{k+1}, ... levelseq, oldlevelseq); end z{l,k+1} = z{l,k+1} - ip; end surplusCompTime = surplusCompTime + etime(clock,t0); end if strcmpi(keepGrid, 'on') % Rescale sparse grid to actual range for l = 1:d x{k+1}(:,l) = range(l,1)+(range(l,2)-range(l,1)).*x{k+1}(:,l); end end for l = 1:nresults maxsurplus(l) = max(abs(z{l,k+1}(:))); end if k > 0 % compute relative accuracy if all(zmax-zmin) > 0 accuracy = max(maxsurplus./(zmax-zmin)); else accuracy = inf; end if strcmpi(gridtype, 'chebyshev') for l = 1:nresults z{l,k+1} = reordervals(z{l,k+1},levelseq); end end % break if desired relative accuracy is reached, of if desired % absolute tolerance is reached, but only if the minimum number % of levels have been computed. if accuracy <= reltol || max(maxsurplus) <= abstol success = 1; if k >= nmin break; end end end end else % Compute the hierarchical surpluses using sparse index sets and % neighbor information for k = nmaxprev:nmax t0 = clock; levelseq = spgetseq(k,d,spset('PrevResults', levelseq, ... 'GridType', gridtype, ... 'SparseIndices', 'on')); fevalTime = fevalTime + etime(clock,t0); maxsurplus = zeros(nresults,1); lastnewindex = uint32(size(levelseq.indicesNDims,1)); currentindex = levelseq.currentindex; while currentindex <= lastnewindex t0 = clock; firstnewindex = currentindex; nodearraysize = 0; while nodearraysize <= maxarraysize nodearraysize = nodearraysize + ... double(levelseq.subGridPoints(currentindex)) * d; currentindex = currentindex + 1; if currentindex > lastnewindex break; end end [znew(1:nresults,1),xnew] = ... spevalf(gridgen, f, levelseq, d, ... [firstnewindex currentindex-1], ... range, varpos, vectorized, nresults, ... functionArgType,val{:}); npoints = npoints + size(xnew,1); if strcmpi(keepFunctionValues, 'on') for l = 1:nresults y{l} = [y{l}; znew{l}]; end end if strcmpi(keepGrid, 'on') % Rescale sparse grid to actual range xnew2 = xnew; for l = 1:d xnew2(:,l) = range(l,1)+(range(l,2)-range(l,1)).*xnew2(:,l); end x = [x; xnew2]; end fevalTime = fevalTime + etime(clock,t0); for l = 1:nresults [temp, id] = min(znew{l}(:)); if temp < zmin(l) zmin(l) = temp; xmin(l,:) = xnew(id,:); end [temp, id] = max(znew{l}(:)); if temp > zmax(l) zmax(l) = temp; xmax(l,:) = xnew(id,:); end end if k > 0 t0 = clock; for l = 1:nresults znew{l} = znew{l} - feval(ipmethod, d, z{l}, xnew, ... levelseq, firstnewindex, ... currentindex-1); end surplusCompTime = surplusCompTime + etime(clock,t0); end for l = 1:nresults maxsurplus(l) = max(maxsurplus(l),max(abs(znew{l}(:)))); end if k > 0 % compute relative accuracy if all(zmax-zmin) > 0 accuracy = max(maxsurplus./(zmax-zmin)); else accuracy = inf; end if strcmpi(gridtype, 'chebyshev') for l = 1:nresults znew{l} = reordervals(znew{l},levelseq, firstnewindex, ... currentindex-1); end end for l = 1:nresults z{l} = [z{l}; znew{l}]; end else z = znew; end end % break if desired relative accuracy is reached, of if desired % absolute tolerance is reached, but only if the minimum number % of levels have been computed. if k > 0 if accuracy <= reltol || max(maxsurplus) <= abstol success = 1; if k >= nmin break; end end end end end % Display warning if error tolerance was not reached. if ~success warning('MATLAB:spinterp:insufficientDepth', ... ['MaxDepth = ' num2str(nmax) ' reached before accuracies' ... ' RelTol = ' num2str(reltol) ' or AbsTol = ' num2str(abstol) ... ' were achieved.\nThe current' ... ' estimated relative accuracy is ' num2str(accuracy) '.']); end % Store results in structure ztemp = z; clear z; z.vals = ztemp; z.gridType = gridtype; z.d = d; z.range = range; z.maxLevel = k; z.estRelError = accuracy; z.estAbsError = max(maxsurplus); z.fevalRange = [zmin zmax]; z.minGridVal = xmin; z.maxGridVal = xmax; z.nPoints = npoints; z.fevalTime = fevalTime; z.surplusCompTime = surplusCompTime; % Store index information if sparse index sets are used if dosparse, z.indices = levelseq; end % Update purge data if it is present if isfield(zprev, 'purgeData') z.purgeData = zprev.purgeData; z = sppurge(z); end if strcmpi(keepFunctionValues, 'on') z.fvals = y; end if strcmpi(keepGrid, 'on') z.grid = x; end