function result = pyramid_unit_o08b_3d ( func ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% PYRAMID_UNIT_O08B_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. % % Discussion: % % An 8 point formula is used. % % The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: % % - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z % - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z % 0 <= Z <= 1. % % When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) % plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the % radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has % contracted to the single point (0,0,1). % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 01 April 2008 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Carlos Felippa, % A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, % Engineering Computation, % Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. % % Parameters: % % Input, external FUNC, the name of the user supplied function which % evaluates F(X,Y,Z), of the form % function value = func ( x, y, z ) % % Output, real RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. % order = 8; w = [ ... 0.16438287736328777572, ... 0.16438287736328777572, ... 0.16438287736328777572, ... 0.16438287736328777572, ... 0.085617122636712224276, ... 0.085617122636712224276, ... 0.085617122636712224276, ... 0.085617122636712224276 ]'; x = [ ... -0.51197009372656270107, ... 0.51197009372656270107, ... 0.51197009372656270107, ... -0.51197009372656270107, ... -0.28415447557052037456, ... 0.28415447557052037456, ... 0.28415447557052037456, ... -0.28415447557052037456 ]'; y = [ ... -0.51197009372656270107, ... -0.51197009372656270107, ... 0.51197009372656270107, ... 0.51197009372656270107, ... -0.28415447557052037456, ... -0.28415447557052037456, ... 0.28415447557052037456, ... 0.28415447557052037456 ]'; z = [ ... 0.11024490204163285720, ... 0.11024490204163285720, ... 0.11024490204163285720, ... 0.11024490204163285720, ... 0.518326526529795714229, ... 0.518326526529795714229, ... 0.518326526529795714229, ... 0.518326526529795714229 ]'; % % Quadrature. % quad = 0.0; for i = 1 : order quad = quad + w(i) * feval ( func, x(i), y(i), z(i) ); end % % Volume. % volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); % % Result. % result = quad * volume; return end