function [ i, j, k, more ] = index_box2_next_3d ( n1, n2, n3, ... ic, jc, kc, i, j, k, more ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% INDEX_BOX2_NEXT_3D produces index vectors on the surface of a box in 3D. % % Discussion: % % The box has a central cell of (IC,JC,KC), with a half widths of % (N1,N2,N3). The index vectors are exactly those between % (IC-N1,JC-N2,KC-N3) and (IC+N1,JC+N2,KC+N3) with the property that % at least one of I, J, and K is an "extreme" value. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 31 July 2004 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, integer N1, N2, N3, the "half widths" of the box, that is, the % maximum distances from the central cell allowed for I, J and K. % % Input, integer IC, JC, KC, the central cell of the box. % % Input, integer I, J, K. On input with MORE = TRUE, the previous index set; % If MORE is FALSE, the input values of I, J and K are not needed. % % Input, logical MORE, is FALSE on an initialization call. Thereafter, % MORE should be TRUE to request the next index set. % % Output, integer I, J, K, the next index set. % % Output, logical MORE, is TRUE until there are no more index sets to return. % if ( ~more ) more = 1; i = ic - n1; j = jc - n2; k = kc - n3; return end if ( i == ic + n1 & j == jc + n2 & k == kc + n3 ) more = 0; return end % % Increment K. % k = k + 1; % % Check K. % if ( kc + n3 < k ) k = kc - n3; j = j + 1; elseif ( k < kc + n3 & ... ( i == ic - n1 | i == ic + n1 | j == jc - n2 | j == jc + n2 ) ) return else k = kc + n3; return end % % Check J. % if ( jc + n2 < j ) j = jc - n2; i = i + 1; elseif ( j < jc + n2 & ... ( i == ic - n1 | i == ic + n1 | k == kc - n3 | k == kc + n3 ) ) return else j = jc + n2; return end return end