>> svd_basis 15-May-2007 14:26:31 SVD_BASIS MATLAB version Given a PDE for which: C is the number of components of the solution at any single point, P is the number of points where a solution is given, N is the number of solution vectors, L is the number of modes to be extracted. Then we let M = C*P be the abstract spatial dimension. If requested, we compute the average solution, subtract it from each solution, and save that as mode #0. Set up A, the M by N matrix of solution vectors, Get A = U * S * V', the singular value decomposition. The first L columns of U are our dominant modes. How many basis vectors (L) are to be extracted?4 L = 4 You specify a consecutive sequence of file names by giving the first "base" file name. If there are no more sequences to enter, just hit RETURN. Enter a new base file name, or RETURN.'data01.txt' 1: "data01.txt" According to the first base file, The number of solution components C = 3 The number of solution points P = 4 The "size" of each solution M = (C*P) = 12 You specify a consecutive sequence of file names by giving the first "base" file name. If there are no more sequences to enter, just hit RETURN. Enter a new base file name, or RETURN. RETURN was entered. Presumably, there are no more file sequences. The number of data files N = 5 The data is stored in an M by N matrix A. The "spatial" dimension M is 12 The number of data points N is 5 The data has been read into the matrix A. SVD_BASIS: Averaging of data is optional. The program can average the data vectors, subtract it from each data vector, and write out the data average vector as an extra "mode 0" vector. Do you want to compute and use the average? ('Y'/'N') Enter 'Y' or 'N':'Y' The user has requested the average vector. SINGULAR_VECTORS For an MxN matrix A in general storage, The LAPACK routine DGESVD computes the singular value decomposition: A = U * S * V' s = 16.5167 0 0 0 u = -0.0083 -0.0564 -0.1051 -0.2823 0.0275 -0.1045 -0.2658 0.0462 0.0412 -0.1567 -0.3987 0.0693 0.0048 0.4873 0.0116 0.2625 -0.1626 0.4859 0.2361 0.0558 -0.1374 0.4576 -0.1018 0.1627 -0.3132 -0.2706 0.2089 0.6387 -0.4636 -0.3566 -0.0095 0.2566 -0.1284 -0.0819 -0.2462 -0.0767 -0.3608 0.1520 0.1710 0.0081 -0.6648 0.0124 0.0442 -0.5576 -0.2245 0.2190 -0.7467 0.1554 The leading singular values: 1 16.516733 2 0.000000 3 0.000000 4 0.000000 Because the CLEAN option is on, we will set very tiny vector entries to 0. SVD_BASIS: Ready to write the left singular vectors to files. Do you want comments in the header of the file? (These begin with the "#" character.) ('Y'/'N') Enter 'Y' or 'N':'Y' Writing average file "svd_000.txt". Writing first file "svd_001.txt". Writing last file "svd_004.txt" SVD_BASIS Normal end of execution. 15-May-2007 14:26:44 >>